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1.The road to Market: A Talk with a Top Chinese Government Official Sipping coconut milk, a relaxed top Chinese government official fielded questions with ease at Zhongnanhai, a government compound in Beijing.
走市场之路:纪与一名中国高层政府官员的一次访谈。 在中国政府的所在地北京中南海,一名神情自在的中国高层政府官员一边啜 饮着椰子汁,以便轻松而又完满地回答着各种问题。
2.He spoke for two hours with BUSINESS WEEK Managing Editor Mark Morrison, Hong Kong Bureau Chief Joyce Barnathan, and Beijing Correspondent Lynne Curry.
这位官员同《商业周刊》的总编马克·莫里森、香港分社社长乔伊斯·巴纳森 以及驻北京记者林恩·柯里畅谈了两个小时。
4.What kind of economy are you trying to build?
What we want to achieve through reform is to adopt the operating mechanism of market economy.
6.所不同的是,你们的经济体制是建筑在私有制的基础上,而我们的市场 经济体制则是建筑在公有制的基础上。
The only difference is that your economic system is based on private ownership, while our market economy will still be based public ownership.
7.How are you going about trying to create this new model?
Mainly, we will conduct reform in three areas, that is, the fiscal policy, the banking system, and state-owned enterprises.
The fiscal reform will be aimed at adjusting the relationships between central and local governments.
Now we have a new system under which revenue tax is shared between the central and local governments-similar to the system you have between federal and local governments.
The aim of banking reform is to establish an independent financial system.
Lastly, we will change the relationship between the state and its enterprises.
13.Won’t you meet strong resistance?
We have had a long process of preparation.
A consensus was built between central and local governments, and between the government on the one hand and enterprises on the other.
16.我们高兴地看到,全国以及各行业的总的情况是稳定的,没有出现大的 问题,从而大大增强了我们的信心。
We are glad to see that the general situation in the country and in all industries has been stable. No big problems have cropped up, and this has greatly boosted our confidence.
The reforms must have the Chinese people’s understanding, support and acceptance.
That is by no means easy.
19.In changing the tax system, haven’t you and the provinces had any pretty fierce struggle?
It is true that last year we did a lot of work with provincial governments to convince them.
It is impossible to take money out of the pockets of another person without that person’s resistance.
But the measures we introduce are not so drastic. They are actually quite moderate.
23.Right now, your economy is growing by13% a year. What is your target?
目前贵国经济的年增长率为 13%,你们的目标定在哪里?
24.我们今年的目标是 9%到 10%。
Our target is 9% to 10% for this year.
25.对于我们来说达到 7%是不可能的,因为那样会对经济造成破坏。
It is not possible for us to achieve 7% because that would create a disruption to the economy.
In addition, that kind of fluctuation would lead to social instability.
Are you comfortable with the level of foreign investment in China?
28.去年我们看到外国在华的直接投资达到出乎意料的程度,110 亿美元。
Last year we saw an unprecedented level of direct foreign investment in China, some $11 billion worth.
It is a good phenomenon.
30. Would a US trade war with China seriously cripple your economy?
It is not correct to think that it would be a terrible thing only for China if that should happen.
We think that it's the American public-the general American consumer-who would suffer the most.
Therefore, I sincerely hope that trade relations between China and U.S. will continue to develop and that there will be no large fluctuations.
34.Are you concerned about the prospect of US-Chinese relations?
35.中美两国首脑在西雅图和纽约的两次会晤均对推动两国友好关系的发展 起到了积极的作用。
The Seattle and New York meeting between Chinese and US Presidents played a positive role in promoting the development of friendly relations between the two countries.
High level exchanges between the two sides have been on the increase.
37.On a personal note, can you tell us how you manage such a vast portfolio of economic policies?
从个人角度出发,您能告诉我们你如何主持处理如此之多的有关经济政策方 面的事物的?
Within the State Council, I am the chief assistant to the Premier.
Within the Party, I am a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau responsible for economic work.
40.但在决策时,所有的问题都是在中央和国务院的集体领导下讨论和解决 的,没有哪一项决定是由我个人作出的。
But when it comes to making decisions, all the issues have to be subjected to the collective leadership of the Communist Party’s Central Committee and the State Council. No decision has been my personal one.
That’s why I am not that fond of being described as an “economic czar”.

1.An interview with a noted Chinese environmental scientist and economist on a series of alarmist articles written by American environmental researcher Lester Brown under the title “Who Will Be Able to Feed China?”
2.Base on his calculation that the total demand for grain consumption in China will rise to 654 million tons by the year 2030 while the country’s production capacity will only be 267 million tons, Mr. Brown came to his prophetical conclusion that a global scarcity of food by the year 2030 will be caused by China’s huge grain deficit of 384 million tons.
按照他的算法在 2030 年之前中国对粮食的需求会达到 6 亿 5 千 4 百万吨, 而那时中国的粮食生产能力仅为 2.67 亿吨,布朗先生因而预言,2030 年的 世界将因中国在粮食供应方面拿高达 3.84 亿吨的巨大缺口,而造成全球性 的粮荒。
2.Do you have any comments in this regard?
3.我认为他根据人均粮食消费 400 公斤而对中国粮食总需求所作出的统计 是正确的。
I think his calculation on the total demand for grain in China, which was based on the per-capita grain consumption of 400 kilograms, is correct.
It is a relatively low level but complies with the dietary traditions of the Chinese people quite well.
5.但是,我又不得不指出,布朗先生那些关于 2030 年中国粮食生产总量以 及增长率的数字是完全错误的。
But I have to say that Mr. Brown’s figure about China’s total grain production capacity by 2030 as well as its growth rate is by no means accurate.
6.他的数字是根据 21 年前,中国粮食生产总量为 2.67 亿吨这一情况推算 出来的。
The figure that Mr. Brown used was derived from that of 21 years ago when China’s total grain production capacity was 26.7 million.
That is quite incorrect.
8.仅以 1993 年为例,根据 1993 年中国统计年鉴,那年中国的粮食生产已 上升至 4.56 亿吨的水平。
Take the statistics of 1993. According to the Chinese Statistic Almanac of 1993, the country’s grain production increase to 456 million tons that year. 9.Could you then provide us with Chinese estimations about the country’s grain production by the year 2030?
你可以提供给我们关于 2030 年前中国粮食总产量的估算么?
10.我们研究中心作出的估算到 2020 年为止。
The estimation made by our research center is up to year 2020.
11.考虑到周期性生产升降因素,我们的计算是,2000 年中国粮食生产总 量为 5 亿至 5.2 亿吨,到 2020 年可达 7 亿至 7.3 亿吨。
Taking into account the cyclical rise and fall of production, our calculations show that the total grain output of China by the year 2000 will be between 500 and 520 million tons and by the year 2020, between 700 and 730 million tons.
12.我们的这个数字已经超过了布朗 10 年后的,即 2030 年的数字。
This figure surpasses that of Brown’s for 10 years later, that is, the year 2030.
13.Based on his calculations, Mr. Brown suggests that China will only be able to achieve a self-sufficiency rate of 41%.
根据布朗的计算,他说中国的粮食自给率只能到达 41%。
14.Do you have any comments on this low rate?
15.His percentage figures are erroneous because they are based on incorrect calculations.
16.Our estimation shows that by the year 2020 China will be relying on 95 percent of its own grain production to feed the nation, an extremely high rate in the world.
我们的估算表明了 2020 年之前中国 95%将依赖自己的谷物生产,这在国际 上算是一个极高的比率。
17.Despite China’s huge population, its net grain import currently accounts for only about two percent of its total consumption.
尽管中国有庞大的人口,但是目前粮食进口值占了总消费的 2%。
Self-sufficient in grain has been a policy that the country has been following for nearly half a century.
19.基于粮食自给的原则,我们制定了计划生育、环境保护和良田保护这三 项基本国策。
As such, three essential national programs-family planning, environment protection and the preservation of crop-lands-were based on adhering to this principle.
In addition, taking account into cost, China is a large country and relying on imported grain can only be cost-effective for its coastal areas.
The hinterland and inland regions have never depended on imported foods due to the high cost of transportation.
22.Could you explain the logic upon which Brown’s scenario about China’s future food problems is based, and why his analysis, which you consider very erroneous, gained quite a number of followers?
你能就布朗对中国未来食品问题的描述基于的逻辑以及你认为非常错误的他 的分析赢得相当多的支持的原因解释一下吗?
I believe it was derived from the historically pessimistic views about China shared by many politicians in the West.
24.美国前国务卿迪安·艾奇逊在 45 年前说过,中国众多的人口对任何一届 中国政府来说都是一种无法承受的压力。
Dean Acheson, the former U.S. Secretary of State, said about 45 years ago that China’s huge population was an unbearable pressure for all Chinese governments.
He predicted that the only way out for China was to depend on American flour.
26.而事实上呢,45 年以后的中国成了世界上最大的产量国,并且基本上 解决了国内的粮食问题。
The fact is that 45 years later China has become a top grain producer in the world and basically solved the problem of feeding its own people.
27.统计数字显示,世界上只有两个国家能够承担 12 亿人口所需粮食的压 力,那就是中国和美国。
The statistic figure shows that only two countries in the world, i.e., China and America, are capable of supporting population of 1.2 billion.
The marked difference, however, is that China produces the same amount of grain on only half the size of US crop-land but supports a population nearly four times that of the United States.

1.An Interview with China’s Vice Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation
2.Since 1994 China has adopted a series of significant reform measures in taxation, banking, foreign exchange and foreign trade.
自从 1994 年中国对税制、金融、外汇兑换和外贸方面采取了一系列重要的改革措施。
3.May I ask what effect these measures have had on foreign trade in this country?
They have influenced the development of foreign trade in five different areas.
First, the elimination of the old dual exchange rate system has stabilized the exchange rate of Renminbi.
Second, we now have stronger control over foreign trade, and are able to carry out our global business transactions in a more orderly way.
Third, speeding up changes in the management system of our foreign trade enterprises has breathed new life and enthusiasm into these enterprises.
Fourth, we have strengthened the service and coordinating functions of such intermediary organizations.
And finally, these reforms have been a great boost to a healthy development of our foreign trade in general.
10.去年 1 月至 8 月我国进出口总额达到了 1,378 亿美元的水平,比前年同 期增加了 24.6%。
Between January and August last year, the total value of China’s import and export reached US$137.8 billion, an increase of 24.6 percent over the same period in the previous year.
11.You and your colleagues proposed the significant new concept of “macroeconomics and trade” for reform in your foreign trade system.
你和你的同事为贵国的外贸体制的改革提出了 “宏观经贸” 这个重要的新概念。
12.How do you intend to carry out this strategy?
Right now we are focusing on the following strategies:
14.首先,我们要开阔视野,使我们能更有效率地发展社会主义的市场经 济,成为好的经理和政策制定者。
First of all, we want to broaden our own mental horizons so as to be more effective in developing a socialist market economy and to become better managers and policy-makers.
15.其次,我们希望加强外贸体制的改革,是外贸逐渐走向竞争,并使之受 到诸如关税、汇率和利率等法律和经济手段的制约。
Second, we hope to strengthen reform in our foreign system in order to gradually open foreign trade to competition and to get it under both legal and economic control, such as tariffs, exchange rates and interest rates.
16.所有这些都应有助于加速中国外贸的国际化进程,为我们宏观经贸局面 的出现创造一个较好的环境。
All this should help speed up the internationalization of China’s foreign trade and create a better environment for bringing about our macroeconomics and trade.
Third, we intend to promote a closer cooperation among the trade community, manufacturing industries, agriculture, technology industries and banks in order to produce more and better export commodities for the international market.
Fourth, we like to establish a systematic strategy of promoting the development of foreign trade.
19.第五, 我们要为宏观经贸的运作建立法律制度。
Fifth, we will form a legal system under which our macroeconomics and trade will operate.
20.Looking back on China’s 45 year of socialism, what would you say your greatest achievements have been in economic cooperation and trade with foreign countries?
回顾中国 45 年的社会主义历程,您认为贵国在对外经济合作与外贸方面取 得的最大成就是什么?
21.我认为我们最好的时期是与对外开放起步的 1979 年。
I think our best period began in 1979, when the open policy went into effect.
Our vision has broaded.
23.我们将注意力集中在发展外贸、引进技术和提供外援方面,我们还开辟 了其他一些途径,例如引进外资、外商承包工程、劳务输出服务、对外投 资、技术输出、与联合国等国际组织合作等。
Even as we were concentrating on such things as developing foreign trade, importing technology and providing economic aid for foreign countries, we were opening up other areas, such as foreign capital investment, contract engineering from outside, providing labor services, investment in foreign countries, exporting our own technology, and cooperating with international organizations such as the UN.
24.我们对外经济合作与贸易往来多头并进,产品、资本、技术和劳力紧密 结合,相互促进。
Our foreign economic cooperation and trade have been developing in many directions at once, closely combining products, capital, technology and labor, one sector helping to promoter the other.
Financially, we have had some spectacular developments.
26.1950 年中国进出口总值仅为 11 亿美元,而 1994 年已超过 2,000 亿美元,比 1950 年增长了 180 倍,为改革前 1978 年 200 亿美元的 10 倍。
In 1950 China’s total import and export value was only US$1.1 billion, however, in 1994 it surpasses US$200 billion, a 180-fold increase over 1950 and ten times the pre-reform figure of US$20 billion in 1978.
27. The whole world seems to be viewing China as a potential global market.
28.Do you have any comments on this?
Given our situation, we can’t help but be a large market.
30.为了发展我们的经济,提高我国人民的生活水平,我们需要进口先进的 外国技术和产品,进口中国稀有的原材料。
To develop our economy and raise the living standards of our people, we need to import advanced foreign technology and products, and raw materials that are rare in China.
We began to attract greater world attention as a market when we opened our doors to the world.
32.70 年代后的几年里,与中国有贸易关系的国家和地区不超过 100 个, 现在已有 228 个国家和地区与总国建立的贸易关系,其中有 200 个国家和地 区直接投资于 20 万家中外合资企业。
In the late 1970s, there were no more than 100 countries and regions that had trade relations with China. But now the number has reached to 228 among which 120 have direct investment in more than 200 thousand Sino-Foreign joint ventures.
In recent years, we have made efforts to open China even wider.
34.自 1991 年以来,我们降低了 6,537 项产品的进口关税,取消了进口调 节税。
Since 1991, we have lowered import taxes on 6.537 products and abolished the import regulatory tax.
35.对进口物品的官方检查和控制也在逐渐减少。国有企业改变了他们的操 作方法,在管理和进口方面有了更大的自决权。
Official examination and control of imports have been slowly reduced as well, and state-owned enterprises have changed their methods of operation, gaining broader rights to self-decision in management and imports.
All of these approaches have helped increase and strengthen our powers as an importing nation.
37.这个数字包括建筑和技术改造方面的 210 个重点工程所需进口的技术和 设备,涉及到农业、能源、机械、运输、邮电、电子、化学、轻工、冶金、 纺织等 20 多的行业。
This will include imported technology and equipment for 210 key projects in construction and technology renovation, and involve more than 20 trades, such as agriculture, energy, machinery, transportation, post and telecommunications, electronics, chemical and light industries, metallurgy and the textile industry.
38.我个人认为,我们的目标完全符合我国的经济发展,因而是切实可行 的。
Personally, I think our targets are perfectly in the line with the economic development, hence quite realizable.
39.我相信,随着我国外贸因改革而更为开放,外国产品将有越来越多的机 会进入中国市场。
I believe there will be more and more opportunities for foreign products to enter Chinese market as the reforms open the country wider to foreign trade.
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