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目 录

第一部分 填空题(按章节)
第二章 衔接教育………………………………………………………1
第四章 词汇学习策略…………………………………………………2
第六章 阅读学习策略…………………………………………………3
第七章 听力策略………………………………………………………4
第八章 听写策略………………………………………………………4
第九章 英语学习中的思维问题………………………………………6
第十章 工具书的使用…………………………………………………8
第十一章 笔记策略……………………………………………………8
第十二章 上网学英语…………………………………………………8
第十三章 写作策略……………………………………………………9
第二部分 简答题(按章节)
第一章 绪论……………………………………………………………11
第二章 衔接教育………………………………………………………11
第四章 词汇学习策略…………………………………………………13
第六章 阅读学习策略…………………………………………………13
第七章 听力策略………………………………………………………14
第八章 听写策略………………………………………………………15
第九章 英语学习中的思维问题………………………………………15
第十章 工具书的使用…………………………………………………17
第十一章 笔记策略……………………………………………………17
第十二章 上网学英语…………………………………………………17
第十三章 写作策略……………………………………………………18
第三部分 综合题(按类别)

第一部分 填空题

第二章 衔接教育
1. 假设我们在上语音课时设备突然坏了,技术人员修了15分钟还没修好。这时心理角色为P的同学可能会说:___________________________________ ______________________________________,心理角色为C的同学可能会说:_____________________________________________________________。
2. 星期天上午,几位同学在白鹭园门口等“大润发”的免费接送车到“大润发”超市。车来了,但是由于空位不多,有的同学上了车,有些同学没能搭上车。这时,上了车的同学中P型性格的同学会说:__________________________;没上车的同学中C型性格的同学会说:_______________________________。
3. 同学们在食堂排队买饭的时候,看到有人滑倒了。这时,心理角色为P的同学可能会说:_____________________________________________________,心理角色为A的同学可能会说:_____________________________________,心理角色为C的同学可能会说:_____________________________________。
4. 晚上上通识课时,教室里突然停电了。这时心理角色为P的同学可能会说: ________________________________________________________________,心理角色为A的同学可能会说:_____________________________________,心理角色为C的同学可能会说:_____________________________________。
5. 学校举行建校55周年庆典当天,全校师生午饭时间可免费到食堂吃卤面。听到这个消息时,心理角色为P的同学可能会说:_______________________ _____________________________________,心理角色为A的同学可能会说:________________________________________________________,心理角色为C的同学可能会说:_____________________________________________。
6. 夏季的午后,天空突然乌云密布,很快地下起了雷阵雨。师生们在语音室上听力课时,随着一声响雷,教室里的电脑都不能用了,这时心理角色为P的同学可能会说: __________________________________________________,心理角色为A的同学可能会说:_____________________________________,心理角色为C的同学可能会说:_____________________________________。
7. 每逢期末,____________要prepare the exams,而____________要prepare for the exams。
8. 通过补充上文的办法举例说明“The shop closes at 9pm.”的至少三种功能:
(1)如果上一句为:_______________________________________________,The shop closes at 9pm.的功能是____________________________________;
(2)如果上一句为:_______________________________________________,The shop closes at 9pm.的功能是____________________________________;
(3)如果上一句为:_______________________________________________,The shop closes at 9pm.的功能是____________________________________。
9. 通过补充上文的办法举例说明“The library is closed on weekends.”的至少三种语言功能(即说这句话的目的):
(1)如果上一句为:_______________________________________________,The library is closed on weekends.的功能是___________________________;
(2)如果上一句为:_______________________________________________,The library is closed on weekends.的功能是___________________________;
(3)如果上一句为:_______________________________________________,The library is closed on weekends.的功能是___________________________。
10. 通过补充上文的办法举例说明“Why don’t you close the window?”的至少三种语言功能(即说这句话的目的):
(1)如果上一句为:_______________________________________________,Why don’t you close the window?的功能是___________________________;
(2)如果上一句为:_______________________________________________,Why don’t you close the window?的功能是___________________________;
(3)如果上一句为:_______________________________________________,Why don’t you close the window?的功能是___________________________。
第四章 词汇学习策略
11. “instant coffee”是“速溶咖啡”,“superman”是“超人”。据此,不查词典猜猜下列单词的意思:
(1) instant noodles ________________________________________________
(2) instant rice ___________________________________________________
(3) instant mail __________________________________________________
(4) instant star ___________________________________________________
(5) instant soldier ________________________________________________
(6) superhighway ________________________________________________
(7) superstar ____________________________________________________
(8) superconductor _______________________________________________
12. 猜猜下列单词的意思,并说明如此猜测的原因:
(1) e-money译成中文是 _________,因为____________________________
(2) duet-karaokey译成中文是 _________,因为______________________
(3) tea-lover译成中文是 _________,因为___________________________
(4) multimedia译成中文是 _________,因为_________________________
(5) millennium bug译成中文是 _________,因为_____________________
(6)Y2K computer bug译成中文是 _________,因为___________________
(7) mad-cow disease译成中文是 _________,因为_____________________
13. “I defriend people who are not welcome in the QQ Chatroom.”在这里“defriend”的意思________________,因为___________________________。
14. “Infortainment”是2010年出现的新单词,意思是________________,属于构词法中的________________________。
15. Drinking cup (beiju) is a homophone for “tragedy” in Chinese, while toothbrush cup (xiju) is homophone for “comedy”. 从构词法的角度说,句中的homophone是一个__________词;意思是:_______________;猜测这个词的意思可以有_____种方法,分别是___________________________________ ________________________________________________________________。
16. The English terms "Obamamania" has grown out of recent news cycles about the presidential election. 句中Obamamania的意思是:_________________。从构词法的角度说,Obamamania这一类的词叫做_______________________。
第六章 阅读学习策略
17. 小渊惠三住院之后,英语新闻中出现了一些日本政界要人的名字。但由于日本人姓名的汉译与英译根本不一样,所以老是搞不清谁是谁。为了解决这个问题(落实日本政界要人的英语读音与拼写),我准备到___________查阅____________或者____________。这样的课外阅读属于_________________。
18. “回视”在阅读中起________作用。因为_______________________________ __________________________。“回视”在听写与___________中起_______________作用。因为________________________________________。
19. 短篇小说The Unexpected Answer(P.152)要揭示或解决的矛盾是__________/ _____________。这个故事告诉我们一个道理 _________________________。
第七章 听力策略
20. 在听力的8个要素中我最薄弱的是其中的___________________,具体表现为__________________________________。学习了听力策略,我觉得可以这么提高:_________________________________________________________。
21. 为了增强英语口语训练的信心,我们得了解 _____________ 。例如,要是我们能不假思索地说出 ____________,那就证明我们在口语方面取得了进步。因为,能做到这一点,说明我们已经 ______________________________。
22. 听力一共有________个要素。即 ____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________。我听力学习中最薄弱的是其中的____________________________________,具体表现为______________________________________________________。学习了听力策略,我觉得该怎么提高:________________________________ ________________________________________________________________。
第八章 听写策略
23. 在听写中当听到“thirty million and twenty four thousand and”的时候,我该写 ____________________________________。
24. Cancun是________国的旅游城市,是许多国际会议的举办地,其汉译名是________________。
25. Manila是________(国家)的________,它的汉译名是________________。
26. Barack Obama是 ________ 国的 ________,他的汉语译名是___________。
27. Dmitry Medvedev是 _______ 国的 ________,他的汉语译名是_________。
28. Condoleezza Rice是即将卸任的_______国的________,她的汉语译名是________________________。
29. David Cameron是 ________ 国的 ________,他的汉语译名是__________。
30. van Gogh是_____________国的画家,他的中文译名是__________________。
31. Likud是_____________国的在野党,其中文译名是_____________________。
32. Hillary Clinton和Gore的中文译名分别是____________________________。
33. Ronaldo是_______________________,中文译名是_____________________。
34. Run Run Shaw是 ____________ (国家或地区)的 ____________,他的汉语译名是__________。
35. Scotland Yard 是“伦敦警察厅”,但以前在侦探小说中都译成           ,这种译法的理由是________________________________________________。
36. 有的同学对van Gogh、Likud、Little Stone, Ark.、Hillary Clinton和Gore 、Scotland Yard、Ronaldo的翻译束手无策。你认为他之所以答不出来主要原因是____________________________________________________________。
37. 美国CNN电视台有个栏目叫News Insight,这个栏目译成汉语应该叫________________________________。
38. 外国名片KASANDRA CROSSING的中文译名应该是__________________。
39. Little Stone, Ark是美国___________________________________________。
40. 翻译下列电影名(含汉译英和英译汉):
英语名 汉语名
The Empire Strikes Back 
All Quite on the Western Front 
Dances with Wolves 
第九章 英语学习中的思维问题
41. 英语专业基础阶段的课程有《综合英语》、《阅读》、《听力》、《语音》、《语法》、《写作》、《口语》等。这些课程从________的角度可以分为_____类,具体分法是__________________________________________________________;从________的角度可以分为_____类,具体分法是______________________。
42. comic(喜剧的)   comical(滑稽的)
economic(经济学的)    economical(节俭的)
electric(由电产生的)    electrical(与电有关的)
philosophic(哲学上的)   philosophical(具有哲学意味的)
43. 既然triangle是三角形,tricycle是三轮车,那么,前缀tri-的意思是“三”,trioxide 就是_____________。这样的思维方法叫做____________________。
44. 同一本书的索引与目录相比,索引的优势在于__________________________ ________________________________________________________________。
45. 与Encyclopaedia Britannica 相比较,www.britannica.com的优点是:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________。
46. “super苏泊尔、lucky乐凯、best百思德、star实达、only 1 昂立一号、safeguard 舒服佳、youngor 雅戈尔”这些商标翻译的共同特点是:________________________________________________________________。
47. “汽缸、量筒、滚筒、泵体”等不同学科/专业的名词译成英语都是cylinder。因为这些名词都有一个共同点——圆筒型,且一端开口。同理,“细胞、电池、蜂房、单元、元件、晶格、单人房间” 等不同学科/专业的名词译成英语都是cell,因为这些名词都有一个共同点——_________________________ ________________________________________________________________。
48. “线、直线、纹路、界线、管道、铁轨、运输线”等不同学科/专业的名词译成英语都是line,因为这些名词都有一个共同点——线型。同理,“叉、耙、叉架、岔路、树杈、支流”等不同学科/专业的名词译成英语都是fork,因为这些名词都有一个共同点——___________________________________ ________________________________________________________________。
49. 腰果、葵花籽、核桃、板栗、松子、开心果、莲子等食品的共同点是_______ ________________________________________________________________。
50. 阅读下面的短文,并将最后一句补充完整:
     Two young boys were spending Christmas Eve at their grandparents’. At bedtime, the two boys knelt beside their beds to say their prayers when the younger one began praying at the top of his voice.
     “I pray for a new bicycle…
      I pray for a new toy…
      I pray for a new VCR…”
     His older brother leaned over, patted the younger brother and said, “Why are you shouting your prayers? God isn’t deaf.” To which the little brother replied, “No, but ________________________________________!”
51. 阅读下面的短文,并将最后一句补充完整:
 A Test for Being Drunk
A police officer pulls over this guy who has been weaving in and out of the lanes.
He goes up to the guy’s window and says, “Sir, I need you to blow into this breathalyzer tube(呼气测醉器).”
The man says, “Sorry officer, I can’t do that. I am an asthmatic(气喘病患者). If I do that, I’ll have a really bad asthma attack(气喘发作).”
“Okay, fine. I need you to come down to the station to give a blood sample.”
“I can’t do that either. I am a hemophiliac(血友病患者). If I do that, I’ll bleed to death.”
“Well, then we need a urine sample(尿样).”
“I’m sorry officer, I can’t do that either. I am also a diabetic(糖尿病患者). If I do that, I’ll get really high blood sugar.”
“Alright, then I need you to come out here and walk this white line.”
“I can’t do that, officer.”
“Why not?”
“Because ___________________________________________.”
第十章 工具书的使用
52. 我经常使用的词典是《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》。该词典中______是用于表示只能当表语的形容词,例如_______________________;而Tnt是用于表示________________________________, 例如,________________________ ____________________________________。
53. 我经常使用的词典是《朗文高级英汉双解词典》。该词典中______是用于表示只能当表语的形容词,例如_______________________;而obj是用于表示__________________________________________, 例如,________________ ________________________________________。
54. 我经常使用的词典是COLLINS COBUILD。该词典中______是用于表示最常用的词。例如_____________;而V n of n.是用于表示____________________, 例如:_____________________________________________________。
第十一章 笔记策略
55. 以下符号/不完整词代表哪些单词或词组?
(1)( … )  (2)≯  (3) ⌒  (4)  ∞  (5) ∷
(6) P     (7)  ′    (8) ~    (9) △      (10) ≌
(11)§  (12)unvst  (13)ID   (14) ed  (15) ppp
(16)AI  (17)nm  (18)Admr (19)xit (20) MYOB
56. 请将下列单词或词组简化成不完整词:
(1) exhibition (2) exposition (3) please  (4) improve  (5) before
(6) you and me  (7) Small Office, Home Office   (8) Best Regards
(9) See You On Line  (10) which is to say (11) system (12) If necessary
(13) black tea (14) double  (15) agent (16) limited  (17) postscript
(18) debt  (19) parachute
第十二章 上网学英语
57. 作为英语专业的学生,我认为在________________________________情况下要查词典;在________________________________________情况下要查阅百科全书;在_______________________________情况下要到因特网上查资料。
58. e-learning在英语学习的许多方面能起重要作用。我认为最重要的作用在于________________________,因为____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________。
59. 同一种颜色在不同文化中表达的情感不一样。为了了解各种颜色在英语文化中各代表什么,我们可以上网调阅有关资料。调阅此类资料时,我们应输入的关键词是___________________________________。
60. 我们上Google网站的目的是为了____________________________________,打开http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/这个网页是为了_______________________ ______________________________,打开www.usingenglish.com/testing.html是为了__________________________________________________________。
61. 我们上www.baidu.com网站的目的是为了____________________________,打开http://www.speak2me.cn/这个网页是为了________________________ _________________________,打开http://www.education.uk.org.cn/这个网页是为了________________________________________________________。
第十三章 写作学习策略
62. Computer assisted instruction(CAI) will become more and more popular in Chinese colleges.请在这个statement后面按要求加上:
(another statement)________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________.
63. The Shanghai World Expo was successful.请在这个statement后面按要求加上:
(another statement)________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________.
64. 如果有一篇文章的题目是:Libraries In Colleges,你估计文章中的6W’s会是(请用英语答题):
how _____________________________________________________________

第二部分 简答题

第一章 绪论
1. 学习策略等于学习方法吗?
2. 学习策略和学习方法,更应该关注哪一个?为什么?
3. 学习策略对学习成绩好的学生作用大还是对学习成绩差的学生作用大?为什么?
4. 在平常的学习中,有必要把学习方法和学习策略分得那么清楚吗?
5. 学习英语专业课要学习策略。学习公共课要不要学习策略?如果要,请举例说明。如果不要,请说明原因。
6. 下列各种表述分别属于学习观念、学习方法、管理观念、管理方法中的哪一种?为什么?
7. 举例说明学习策略要因时而异。
8. 合作学习是学习观念、学习方法、管理观念还是管理方法?为什么?分工合作查单词呢?为什么?
9. “过量学习”是管理观念、管理方法、学习观念还是学习方法?为什么?
10. 学校开设的通识课上,有些老师并没有指定课程教材,也没有分发讲义等课程相关材料。请问:在这种情况下,学生上课前需要预习吗?请说明原因。
11. 你认为英语学习策略课该怎样预习?怎样复习?
12. 学生的英语基础差,策略培养应该从词汇开始,还是从课文开始?还是同时进行?为什么?
第二章 衔接教育
13. 课外参加英语/日语角活动对英语/日语的学习有哪些帮助?请简述原因。
14. 中学的英语老师一再强调,“上午九点”只能用9 o’clock而不能用9 hours。可是,BBC报时却用9 hours。9 o’clock和9 hours究竟哪个对,哪个错?为什么?现在你用哪个?将来你当中学老师该怎样给学生讲?这道题与《英语学习策略》的哪一章哪一节有关?
15. 选择疑问句是yes-no question 还是wh-question?为什么?
16. 从功能/意念的角度看问题,下列的句子各有几种功能?如果有必要,请注明用于什么场合。
(1)Haven’t you read the book?
(2)What do you think I should do?
(3)It’s ten to seven.
17. 下面的句子是否正确?为什么?
If he had studied harder, he would be sitting here with me in our college now.
18. 在英语中,Miss和Mrs.的根本区别是什么?对一位60岁但未曾结婚的女性该称呼Miss还是Mrs.?为什么?
19. 用最简洁的语言说出下列近义词/词组的根本区别:
(1)eagerly / urgently
(2)cure / treat
(3)sin / crime
(4)drug store / chemist’s shop
(5)5 o’clock / 5 hours
(6)want / need
(7)chance / opportunity
(8)thank / appreciate
(9)move / remove
(10)be careful / look out
(11)prepare / get ready
(12)east / orient
(13)persuade / convince
(14)door / gate
(15)table / desk
20. 请用地道的汉语翻译下列句子:
(1)The road has been repaired.
(2)Take your raincoat with you, in case it will rain.
(3)I was asked to make some comments.
(4)The foreigners were warmly welcomed.
21. 学了“衔接教育”之后,你认为该怎样做语音课的预习工作?
22. 在课外阅读英语期刊时,可能发现论点不一样的文章。例如,有的文章说,“A is three times bigger than B.”是“A比B大三倍。”而另一篇文章则对此持否定态度。遇到这种情况,你该怎么办?
23. 为什么“江泽民主席”译成英语是President Jiang Zeming,而不是Chairman Jiang Zeming?
24. 除了“分工合作查单词”之外,英语专业的学习还有哪些地方可以或应该采用合作学习?
第四章 词汇学习策略
25. suborbital是一个航天术语,意思是“亚轨道的”。这个词的重读音节是第几个音节?请各举一个单词为例说明这个词中的sub-,orbit和-al的意思或作用。
26. autobiography意思是“自传”。这个词的重读音节是第几个音节?请各举一个单词为例说明这个词中的auto-,-bio-和-graphy的意思或作用。
27. 有人说:“词典不但要查,更要背。”你认为背词典是不是学习词汇的好方法?为什么?
28. 不查词典,根据句子的信息猜猜“hacker”是什么意思。你会采用什么策略才能较容易地记住这个单词?
     Gilson is part of a nationwide network of teenage computer hackers who have stolen everything from Internet accounts to credit card numbers.
29. 为什么fortune-hunter不是“幸运的猎人”而是“为追求钱财与某人结婚的人”?
30. 你认为阅读课的生词要不要背?为什么?
第六章 阅读学习策略
31. 看外国影视剧可以从几个方面促进英语学习?该如何利用片头字幕?
32. 为什么说“心读”阻碍阅读能力的提高?怎样才能克服“心读”?
33. 当一个学生要在词典中查resignation(AV)这个单词时他需要采用的阅读方法是skimming、scanning还是studying?为什么?
34. It is safe to say that almost anyone can double his speed of reading while maintaining equal or even higher comprehension. In other words, anyone can improve the speed with which he gets what he wants from his reading.
这段文字中哪几个词是linking word(s)?看到这些linking word(s)该加快阅读速度还是放慢阅读速度?为什么?
35. 下面一段文本中省略了一句话:
     In India, researchers Robert Jensen and Emily Oster found that when TVs reached villages, women were more likely to go to the market without their husbands’ approval and less likely to want a boy rather than a girl. They were more likely to make decisions over child health care.
请问:省略掉的是topic sentence(T),还是concluding sentence(C)?请把省略的话写出来。
36. 自测阅读速度比的时候要注意什么?
37. 在英语学习中,“回视/回读”是积极的还是消极的?为什么?
38. 你如何看待“语言冗余信息”?
39. 你课外最喜欢阅读哪一种英语期刊?你为什么喜欢这种期刊?
40. 上语音课时看阅读课的教材算不算是课外阅读?为什么?
41. 有的同学在阅读中经常出现“单词都懂,却不知道文章在说什么”的现象。要解决这个问题该采用什么方法?
第七章 听力策略
42. 有些同学听英语新闻时常常遇到这样的问题:听倒是都听懂了,但一听过就全忘光了,以至于回答问题时不知所云。这些同学听力的不足之处在哪里?该采用什么策略提高听力水平?
43. 假如今天你是“宿舍口语”的主持人,你将怎么主持?
44. 下面两道听力题的选择项在排除语言冗余信息之后,你实际扫描到的是什么词?
(1)The woman wants ________.
     A. some coffee
     B. some tea
     C. some soft drink
(2)The man wants to know ________.
     A. how to pronounce the word
     B. the meaning of the word
     C. how to spell the word
第八章 听写策略
45. 背景知识在英语学习中起着重要的作用,我们该怎样增加背景知识?
46. 某报纸1月2日刊登了一篇报道,题为“New Year Babies”,请根据这个标题做brain storming,并写出你所联想到的头10个单词。
47. 请根据标题“What Youngsters Expect in Life?”做brainstorming,并写出你所联想到的头10个单词。
48. 当你看到听写题目“CAI(或Christmas或Pop Music)”时,你猜测文章可能写些什么?你认为最可能出现的10个单词是什么(不包括题目中出现的单词)?
49. 看到题目“Modern Wars”,你想到的头10个关键词是什么?
50. 看到题目“E-mail”,你想到的头10个关键词是什么?
51. 今天某英语报纸有一篇题为“Bitter Battle”的报道,你认为这篇报道的内容会是什么?为什么?
第九章 英语学习中的思维问题
52. 高原现象与思维定势是不是一回事?为什么?请举例说明。
53. 请列举中国茶文化与英国茶文化的若干区别。
54. 请你对所了解的美国英语和英国英语的主要区别进行归类。
55. 对课程进行分类是用于检测猜想能力、联想能力、还是演绎能力?为什么?
56. 词汇学习策略涉及①词汇的AV、PV、SPV分类,②音、形、义单词猜测,③各种方式的单词记忆和④AV、PV、SPV的不同要求等方面,这些方面的策略涉及到思维的哪些形式?请举例说明。
57. 《英语学习策略》第九章有这么一道习题:“如果FJTV、ZTV、HNTV、SDTV分别代表福建电视台、浙江电视台、河南电视台和山东电视台的话,那么OTV代表国内哪一家电视台?”答案是“(上海)东方电视台”。从思维的角度分析为什么有的同学这道题做不出来?
58. 有一种商品英语谓之为sunkiller,其汉语名称应该是什么?为什么?你所用的思维方式是什么?
59. 有一种美容产品的英汉商标分别为Rejuveface和“再清椿”。请谈谈你对其英、汉商标的看法。你用的是哪一种思维方式?
60. 请将下列的单词分类,并说明分类的理由以及这类题目的命题动机:
(1)postcard, postcode, postdate, poster, post-free, postgraduate, postpone, posttest.
(2)inborn, incapable, include, incoherent, incomplete, income, independent, infinitive, inner, inside, insight, internal.
(3)react, reborn, receive, recipe, recognizable, record, redundancy, represent, reservoir, restaurant, resistant, return(至少列出两种分类方法)
(4)imprint, imperil, immoral, improper, immobile, impact, immigrate, immature, impatient, impolite, import, impose, impress, impoverish, imbrute(至少列出两种分类方法)
61. English gentleman: You are so beautiful, my miss!
Chinese lady: 哪里!哪里!
Interpreter: Where! Where!
62. A: If I lay one egg on this chair and two on the table, how many will I have all together?
B: Personally, I don’t believe you can do it.
63. 只有精通英语和汉语,才能成为翻译家;他不精通英语和汉语,所以他不能成为翻译家。请问这里用的是哪种思维方式?为什么?
64. 从初中一年级(即七年级)起大家就开始做句型变换练习,到现在已经做了七年。请问:句型练习的目的是什么?我们可以利用句型变换练习解决学习上的什么问题?
65. 有一种练习叫“组词成句”,其方式是:命题者以不规则顺序提供若干个单词,要求练习者将这些单词组成一个句子。组句只能用所提供的单词,每个单词都要用,而且只能用一次。这种练习的解题原则是什么?
题目:book, have, earlier, he, had, the, he, come, bought, would
答案:Had he come earlier, he would have bought the book.
66. 英语棒球术语中有一个表达叫做“home run”,请问:这个术语相当于下列术语中的哪一个?为什么?
A. 安打   B. 本垒打  C. 出局   D. 封杀
第十章 工具书的使用
67. 如果要了解“口蹄疫”/“H7N9”是什么,要使用哪一种工具书?为什么?
68. 请对report/account/story/version这四个词进行词义辨析,并说明该辨析依据的是哪一本工具书。
69. 现在有些同学在课堂上使用电子词典。你对此有何看法?请简要说明你的理由。
70. 你认为英语专业的大学生在课堂上使用电子词典是利还是弊?为什么?
第十一章 笔记策略
71. 网络笔记与常规笔记的不同点是什么?
72. 有的同学说:整理笔记很浪费时间和精力。你同意这种看法吗?如果不同意,请你从学习策略的角度说明为什么要整理笔记?
第十二章 上网学英语
73. 就时效性而言,网络(含数据库)与传统纸质书刊哪个较有优势?为什么?
74. 如果在听英语新闻时遇到不懂的人名或地名,能不能用网络解决该问题?请举例说明。
75. 有一位同学上网查资料。他要查的是有关老虎的资料。在第一次检索中所提供的资料有相当一部分与高尔夫球运动员Woods有关。经二次搜索,将Woods的资料删去。但仍有一部分资料与棒球俱乐部Detroit Tigers有关。这时该怎样才能将与棒球有关的信息删除?
76. 为了参加“课件比赛”,你上网找模板。在Google搜索引擎上输入“模板”之后找到近五千万个结果,其中有提供课件模板的网站/网页,也有网络模板的网站/网页,甚至有建筑模板的网站/网页。这时你该怎么办?
77. 有一位同学在TEM-4(英语专业四级统考)前想找以前统考听写的真题进行实战演练。他上网在百度搜索引擎中键入“历年四级统考听写”,搜索到124000项结果。其中既有TEM-4也有CET-4(大学英语四级统考)的各种网页。这些网页中有的有试题和音频文件;有的只有试题;有的则是网络书店书籍推销网页。这时候这位同学该怎么办?
78. 班级要出一期板报,我的任务是为板报提供两则英语笑话。因此,我上网搜集。我键入的搜索词是“joke”,搜索得到68,000,000条结果。但是,这些结果既有笑话,也有joke的定义,甚至还有爵士乐队“Killing Joke”的网站。这时我该怎么办?
第十三章 写作学习策略
79. 假如要你参加“背词典是英语学习好方法吗?”的辩论,你将加入正方或反方?你最有力的两个论据是什么?
80. 假如要你参加“Examinations do more harm than good.”的辩论,你将加入正方或反方?你最有力的两个论据是什么?
81. 某一门课程的老师要求你们班上星期五交作业,你因故缺交,今天你要补交作业。可是,当你拿着作业到办公室时,任课老师恰好不在。因此,你只得写一张便条说明情况,然后将便条与作业一起托另一个老师交给那位老师。请用英语将这张便条写下来。
82. 暑假快到了,你想留校并且找份兼职工作,所以你想问问你的辅导员张老师(Mr. Zhang)是否能够帮忙介绍。请你用英语给张老师写一张便条。
83. 如果你要写一篇题为The History Of English Punctuations的文章,你该用什么手段收集参考资料?具体怎么做?
84. 如果你要写一篇题为The English Surnames的文章,你该用什么手段收集参考资料?具体怎么做?
85. 如果要你以On Testing为题写一篇文章,你将会把文章写成记叙文、说明文还是其他文体?为什么?你将如何立意?为了突出主题,开门见山的第一句你会怎么写?
86. 我们知道写介绍信除了格式之外,还要注意“who, what, why, how and thank”五个要点。那么,写请假条要注意哪几个要点?为什么?
87. “My Part-time Jobs in College”这篇作文写给谁看?请例举阅读该文章的四种读者,并简要说明针对不同读者,你写作的侧重点分别是什么?
第三部分 综合题
一、 请对下面的句子进行语音语调分析:请在该停顿的地方划“/”,在该延长的音节下面画“_”,在该快读的音节下面划“╰╯”,在该升调的音节下面画“▲”。
1. They each have their own small apartment—bedrooms with bathrooms—but spend much of their time sharing huge common spaces including a large ballroom.
2. Groundnuts, or peanuts as they are called in the United States, are grown throughout the world as food for people and farm animals.
3. Shoppers around the country line up early outside stores on the day after Thanksgiving in the annual bargain-hunting ritual known as Black Friday.
4. Fifty years ago, India gained its independence after two hundred years of British rule.
5. Reading is much more than recognizing words with the eyes. The kind of reading we have in mind is an active process requiring reasoning.
6. Students are allowed to stop going to school for a few months or a year to take full-jobs.
7. When we can see well we do not think about our eyes very often. It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are.
8. In short, many American students like to be economically independent, and some like to be academically independent, too.
9. Smiling practices may also differ dramatically between the sexes. Women, for instance, smile more than men.
10. Whatever the reason, smiling people are considered more attractive than those who are stony faced.
11. If you travel around Europe, you will find many differences in how doctors work. For example, English doctors are quick to give strong antibiotics for colds, but German doctors usually are not.
12. According to an Arabic legend, coffee was discovered when a person named Kaldi noticed that his goats were attracted to the red berries on a coffee bush.
13. American football, not to be confused with the football called soccer, is the American national sport.
14. Thousands of years ago, people killed the wild horses that lived around them for food. Over time, people began to catch the animals and raise them. This was the first step in domestication.
二、 将下列句子中的冗余信息划掉:
1. Plants seem to know which way is up and which way is down; furthermore, they seem to know right from left.
2. In order to learn a foreign language well, it is necessary to overcome the fear of making mistakes.
3. A very important world problem—in fact, I am inclined to say it is the most important of all the great world problems which face us at the present time—is the rapidly increasing pressure of population on land and on land resources.
4. “This crowd was out of control,” Fleming said. He described the scene as “utter chaos,” and said the store didn't have enough security.
5. Now more than sixty years old, Barbara—who declines interviews but is said to have loved the doll—may be the most famous unknown figure on the planet.
6. When Sam Wilson was providing meat to the army in a war, some explained the initial letters “US” as Uncle Sam.
7. Einstein’s mother was bitterly opposed to his love with a girl his whole family had a strong dislike for, but he went ahead and married his love in January 1903.
8. He was strongly influenced by medieval artists and inspired by the Gothic window of an old farmhouse, but the faces in his composition were what captured the world’s attention.
9. While white people had previously been used as models for most American coins, famed artist James Earle Fraser went against tradition by using three actual American Indians as models for his creation.
10. Everyone needs good study habits, but we do not all learn in exactly the same fashion. For example, some people are auditory learners: they learn information best by hearing it. Visual learners on the other hand, like to see what they’re learning. Kinesthetic learners learn best by doing.
11. According to an Arabic legend, coffee was discovered when a person named Kaldi noticed that his goats were attracted to the red berries on a coffee bush.
12. Tigers are an endangered species; only about 5,000 to 7,400 tigers are left in the wild. Unlike some big cats like lions, adult tigers like to live alone.
13. Tigers are the biggest cats in the world. They live in steamy hot jungles as well as icy cold forests. There are five different kinds of tiger…
14. Much information that you are expected to learn in college is given in the form of lectures.
15. We are fortunate that in such a large, high-pressure office we all get along so well. You are one of the people who keep the social temperature at such a comfortable setting.
三、 阅读下面的短文,然后根据要求答题:
[1] Gangs are not new. Gang violence is not new either. But now, more teens are joining gangs. There are more than 350,000 teen gang members in the United States, the U.S Justice Department says.
[2] Today, there are also more different kinds of ethnic gangs. Almost every ethnic group has a gang. There are Samoan, Salvadoran and Korean gangs. Vietnamese, Chinese, Mexicans, Cambodians, African-Americans, Filipinos, Russians, Nicaraguans and many other ethnic groups have gangs.
[3] Some teenage girls also join gangs. Most female gangs become allies or ‘sister gangs’ to male gangs.
[4] Some teens join gangs so that they can make money. Many gangs get ‘protection money’ from businesses, because the gangs promise to ‘protect’ the businesses from other gangs. Gangs also make money from drugs and gambling. They make a lot of money from owning gambling houses and from robbing other gambling houses.
[5] But the problem of gangs is more than drugs and gambling. More teens own guns than ever before. In Los Angeles, for example, more teens have guns each year. There are also more deaths.
[6] Gangs are not only in big cities like New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. Now there are gangs in smaller cities like Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Bridgeport, Connecticut; Richmond, Virginia; Fresno, California and Tacoma, Washington.
[7] One reason for this is that people in these areas have more money than people in bigger cities. Gangs also go to smaller cities in states where there are not many laws that stop them from carrying guns.
[8] Communities and the government both try to stop gangs. They try to put gang leaders who sell drugs in jail and they try to keep gang members in jail longer.
[9] Communities try to prevent the problem of gangs also. Former football player Jim Brown started Amer-I-Can. Amer-I-Can is a group that tries to help teens become more self-confident. Amer-I-Can also teaches skills to teens so that teens can be successful without gangs.
[10] Gangs grow larger every year. Gangs become a bigger problem every year.
1. 第二段中的ethnic的意思是什么?你是怎么知道的?
2. 第六段中划线处都是地名,有些地名后面是逗号,有些地名后面是分号。这是为什么?
3. Amer-I-Can是什么?为什么要这样拼写?
4. 这篇文章的最后几句被删去了,请按你的思路替它补上2-3句。
5. 这段文章中涉及哪些文化背景知识?
6. 将They try to put gang leaders who sell drugs in jail.译成汉语。
四、 阅读下面的短文,然后根据要求答题:
[1] Next to death, commercial bread and the price of gas, I hate the idea of getting bald the most. I’m not really getting very bald yet and I’m pleased about that, but when I do, I’m not going to try and hide it. All anyone who’s getting bald looks like when they try to hide it is like someone getting bald trying to hide it.
[2] Some men let what little they gave grow long and then spread it around. If someone wears a toupee—it looks like either a good toupee or a ban toupee, but it usually looks like a toupee. In the best toupee shops in the country, a good hairpiece cost about eight hundred dollars. Of course, over the long run, you make it up in haircuts.
[3] I don’t know why we’re so sensitive about getting bald. A lot of men look good bald. They often look distinguished and important. Some men are even bald on purpose. It can even be a trademark.
[4] Often the amount of hair on a man’s head is sort of a political statement. You can tell a Reagan supporter from a Kennedy man.
[5] One of the great mysteries of life is why some men have such an easy time growing hair on their face…and a hard time growing it on their head. You can’t talk to a man about how he likes his hair. On the tennis court, Jimmy Connors looks terrible with long, stringy, wet hair. I suppose he likes the way it looks when he isn’t playing tennis, although it doesn’t look all that good then, either.
[6] I’m very suspicious of a man who fusses much with his hair. It can be there or not be there, but he ought not to spend half his life arranging it. He ought to comb it once in the morning and maybe once in the middle of the day if he gets caught in the wind, otherwise a man ought to leave his hair alone.
1. 第一段中的All anyone who’s getting bald looks like when they try to hide it is like someone getting bald trying to hide it.的主句结构(主句的主语、谓语)是什么?
2. 将Some men let what little they gave grow long and then spread it around.译成汉语。
3. 这篇短文有何哲理?
4. 第三段的段落大意是什么?
五、 下面是一篇文章的前半部:
     If it seems like you hardly eat at home any more—you're right.
     The home-cooked meal is not yet an endangered species, but the number of meals prepared and eaten at home is at an all-time low, according to the 14th annual NPD Group report on Eating Patterns in America.
     And, not surprisingly, the number of meals purchased in restaurants is at a record-breaking high, the market research firm reported.
     The study found that the average American consumed 917 home-cooked meals and 139 restaurant meals during the year ending in February, the period tracked by the report.
     In 1990, the average person ate 933 home-cooked meals and 122 restaurant meals. That means that there has been a 14 percent increase in the number of restaurant meals during the decade.
     Fast food restaurants captured more than 80 percent of the growth in restaurant meals in the past five years.
1. 你认为这篇文章是发表在报纸上、杂志上还是发表在参考书上?为什么?
2. 你认为文章接下去可能写什么?
六、 阅读下列短文,然后根据要求答题:
[1] One out of every ten people walking down the street is left-handed. Everywhere they go, left-handed people come across tools that were designed for right handed persons.
[2] From scissors to camcorders to screw drivers to hockey sticks to baseball gloves, lefties learn early on that they need to develop skills to live in a world designed for right handed people.
[3] If you are a right-handed person, try this experiment sometime: Grab a scissors with your left hand and try cutting a piece of paper. Don't be surprised if the experience feels extremely awkward.
[4] Thankfully, there are companies that make left-handed scissors, left handed camcorders, and other left-handed tools. But often times left-handed persons find themselves in a situation where they have no choice but to use something designed for right-handed persons.
[5] In ages past, society was not sympathetic to left-handed persons. Young students who preferred using their left hand to write were punished for doing so. Some of these students eventually learned to write with their right hand, but only after enormous effort.
[6] These days parents and teachers are far more accepting and understanding. In almost every school in the world, students who are left handed are allowed to continue using their left hand to write.
[7] Medical researchers have searched long and hard for what causes people to be left handed or right handed. The researchers have concluded that left handed people are left handed for the same reason as brown eyed people have brown eyes. It's just one of those things that show up in one out of every ten people.
[8] A really interesting question is whether there is any connection between left handed people and creative genius. Some of history's most creative minds have been left-handed.
[9] In the category of art, both Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were left handed. In the category of music, Ludwig van Beethoven was left handed. In the field of science and invention, you find Benjamin Franklin, Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein. In the field of motion pictures, Charlie Chaplin.
[10] Bobby Fisher, the modern chess genius, is left handed. So too musical geniuses Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, and Wynton Marsalis.
[11] Each of the these persons had a mind so exceptional as to be head and shoulders above anyone else in their field. So even though it may be more difficult for a left handed person to live in a right handed world, lefties can know that they are in good company. Beethoven and Einstein had it tough, too.
1. 这篇文章共有11个自然段,按结构可以分为几部分?每部分各包含几个段落?每部分的大意是什么?
2. Leonardo da Vinci、Michelangelo、Beethoven三个词译成汉语分别是什么?
3. 这篇文章的题目可能是什么?
七、 阅读以下文章,并完成文章后面的问题:
     NEW YORK – Police were reviewing video from surveillance cameras in an attempt to identify who trampled to death a Wal-Mart worker after a crowd of post-Thanksgiving shoppers burst through the doors at a suburban store and knocked him down.
     Criminal charges were possible, but identifying individual shoppers in Friday's video may prove difficult, said Detective Lt. Michael Fleming, a Nassau County police spokesman.
     Other workers were trampled as they tried to rescue the man, and customers stepped over him and became irate when officials said the store was closing because of the death, police and witnesses said.
     At least four other people, including a woman who was eight months pregnant, were taken to hospitals for observation or minor injuries. The store in Valley Stream on Long Island closed for several hours before reopening.
     Police said about 2,000 people were gathered outside the Wal-Mart doors before its 5 a.m. opening at a mall about 20 miles east of Manhattan. The impatient crowd knocked the employee, identified by police as Jdimytai Damour, to the ground as he opened the doors, leaving a metal portion of the frame crumpled like an accordion.
     "This crowd was out of control," Fleming said. He described the scene as "utter chaos," and said the store didn't have enough security.
     Dozens of store employees trying to fight their way out to help Damour were also getting trampled by the crowd, Fleming said. Shoppers stepped over the man on the ground and streamed into the store.
     Damour, 34, of Queens, was taken to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead around 6 a.m., police said. The exact cause of death has not been determined.
     "When they were saying they had to leave, that an employee got killed, people were yelling `I've been on line since yesterday morning,'" she said. "They kept shopping."
     "Despite all of our precautions, this unfortunate event occurred," senior Vice President Hank Mullany said in a statement. "Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those impacted."
     Shoppers around the country line up early outside stores on the day after Thanksgiving in the annual bargain-hunting ritual known as Black Friday. It got that name because it has historically been the day when stores broke into profitability for the full year.
     Items on sale at the Valley Stream Wal-Mart included a Samsung 50-inch Plasma HDTV for $798, a Bissel Compact Upright Vacuum for $28, a Samsung 10.2 megapixel digital camera for $69 and DVDs such as "The Incredible Hulk" for $9.
     AP retail writers Anne D'Innocenzio and Mae Anderson contributed to this report.
1. 这篇文章是来自小说、学术期刊、报纸、还是其他材料?为什么?
2. 说说下列单词是什么意思:NY是_______________;11:48 am ET中的ET是_____________;最后的“AP retail writers…”中的AP是_____________;Manhattan是____________________;Wal-Mart是__________________;post-Thanksgiving是_________________________。
3. Detective Lt. Michael Fleming是什么人?
4. Black Friday是褒义词还是贬义词?为什么?
八、 阅读以下一段话,并完成后面的问题:
     In my life, I’ve put great stock in personal responsibility. However, as the years passed, I’ve also come to believe that there are moments when one must rely upon the good faith and judgment of others. So, while each of us faces—at one time or another—the prospect of driving alone down a dark road, what we must learn with experience is that the approaching light may not be a threat, but a shared moment of trust.                          —By Warren Christopher
1. Warren Christopher的汉语译名是________________________。
2. 文中第一句的“put stock in”的意思是__________________,你猜词依据是________________________________________。
3. 这段文章中有________个关联词,即________________________________ _______________________________________。读到其中的________________词时,不能加快速度。
九、 阅读以下一段话,并完成后面的问题:
     People would like to be able to prevent the great destruction of property caused by earthquakes. ___________, most of the people who die in earthquakes are killed by falling buildings.____________, building structures that can withstand the power of earthquakes is a major concern. Steel seems to be the best material, _________ not if it is welded to form a rigid structure. Many new structures are built with a new type of steel joint. Also, to prevent property damages, architects now design buildings so that the building’s columns are inserted deep into a solid soil. ____________, many new houses have relatively light roofs and strong walls.
1. 此段落采用的是topic sentence(T)、concluding sentence(C)还是implied main idea(M)?为什么?此结论涉及的阅读策略是什么?
2. 请在这段文字的空白处填上适当的关联词,并说明这些关联词与阅读速度的关系。
3. 当我不懂此段落中“weld”这个单词的意思时,我就翻开Webster’s Dictionary of American English,以此词首字母“w”开始,根据后面字母出现的先后顺序,找到“weld”这个单词在1463页右下角,看了一会儿,终于明白此词是什么意思。请问,上述这些动作中涉及skimming、scanning、studying中哪些策略?为什么?
十、 下面是某学生在三遍听稿校对后、无稿校对前的卷面。请你代他做无稿校对。
    That’s suppose your in a position of a parents. Were you aloud your children to read any books they want to without first check it’s contain. Will you take you children to see an film without finding out whether its suitable for them. If you answer to this questions is yes. Than you just irresponsible. If you answer is no. Than your exercising you’r right as a parent. In other worlds, by acting as a examiner yourselves, you are admitting they there is a strong case of censorship.
十一、 以下短文是某学生课堂听写的卷面情况,在last reading之后还有不少失误。请你替他进行无稿校对(改在划线处。如果看出某个单词肯定是错误的,而又想不出正确的答案,请在该单词下方打个叉),找出至少10处错误。改完后请分析他听写中失误的主要类型,并提出指导性建议。
1. In the united stste, people appear to be constant on the move. Think for a moment. How often do you see moving van on road? They seem to be everywhere. Are so many people actual changing there address? Yes, people in united state are in deed on the move. Whithin any five year period, about one third of the population change there place of residence. Every person who move have his or her own personal reasons for making such a decision. Some people may decide to move because employment opportunity. Some may wish to live in the warmer of a colder climate. And some have many other reason. Regardless of the specific causes, amonnt of movement in this country is substantial.
2. They are more than 2,000 college university and institute in the united state which has the authority to grant degrees. The world “college” have so many meaning. It's the world for the small university. Its also the general term. I’m going to college mean I’m going to the university. It is some times use instead of institute. For example, College of business studys. It is also use to define the division inside a university—College of science, music, English etc. Their over 3,500 college student per 100,000 of population. This is the highest proportion in a western word.
3. Through out history men has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way of life. With the tools of techonology he has uttered many physical features of the earth. He has transformed woodlands and parents to farmland, and made lake and reserves out of rivers for irritation purposes or high drop electric power. Men has also modifyed the face of the earth by training muches and cutting through mountains to build roads and railways. However men’s changes to the physical environment have not always had benefitial results. Today, pollution of the air and water is a increasing danger to the health of the planet. Each day thousand of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor veicles, smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialize areas and the surrounding areas of countryside.
4. American, like many people else where in the world, like to invite friends to their homes for a evening of food、 drink and conversation. Formal dinners in fine homes and hotel in the US are much same formal dinners anywhere in the world. And as most people in the USA have not servants, their dinner partys at home tend to be unformal. Guests may sit down at the table, or, as many new small home have no separate dinning room or very small dinning space, guests can also serve himself and eat in the living room, hold their plates or trays on their knees. A more enjoyible form of entertainment is the picnic. Americans is great picnicers in almost every family has a picnic basket. Summer invitations are often for a picnic at a park or on the open countryside. And less hamburgers or hot dogs are cooked over a fire, picnic food is usually cold.
5. Vending machine sale many different time of things. Some of them sale cool drinks like soda of hot drinks like coffee of hot chocolate. Other sell candy stamps ticket and newspapers. This machine have been invent for to reasons. They say time and there are automatic. Good so in them do no need short assistant. In many place the customer can use the machine at any time all day all night. Although they are different sides and times of the machine. They all walk in basical the same way. The customer puts a coin into the machine, and then pulls the button to take the merchandize. Customer like to say time and are usually willing to pay a higher prize for these convenient.
6. It would seen that they are some people who have never learn to lessen. They can be a real problem to their friend and familys, as well as any one else who try to talk with them. Such a people are so wraped up in what they have to say that they can not be brothered with listening to anyone else. You, like others, probabley have learned that it is not much fun try in to carry on a conversation with someone who does not listen. Listening is a skill. Because of it is a skill, you must practise if you are to become real good at it. There is a different between hearing and listen, through that idea may never have occurred you before. Think about this, for instance: you can hear a new song being sang, but if you want to learn the worlds, you must really listen with you mind as well as with your ears. Listening means give your full attention to a sound. Hearing is, in another words, mostly a matter of the ear; listening, the ear and the mind.
十二、 下列单词是某个学生在听一段录音时记下了的关键词。请根据这些单词说出这段录音的主要内容。
read, purpose, remember, jot down, key idea, recall, cues, relating…
十三、 有一篇听写短文的题目是:Supermarkets。一读中听出重读词和重复词分别是:
supermarkets, need, floor, ten times, ordinary shop, two doors, entrance, exit, facing, street, window, goods, displayed, three walls, decorated, colors, cleanness, brightness, most, supermarkets, one floor, counters, exit, cashier, machine, totaling, cost
十四、 有这么一道听力题,录音念的是:
M: I have too many courses this semester. I’m going to have to drop one of them.
W: In order to do that, you’ll have to go through the proper channels.
Q: What advice does the woman give the man?
A. Choose a different course.
B. Stop attending the course at once.
C. Made better use of his time.
D. Follow the official procedure.
1. 选A的同学错误的原因是什么?
2. 选B的同学错误的原因是什么?
3. 你认为这两类同学今后该怎么做才能提高听力水平?
十五、 这么一道听力题,录音念的是:
S: I don’t mean to disappoint you, dear, but a holiday for us this year is really out of the question.
Q: What does the speaker mean?
A. It is possible for them to have a holiday.
B. He is too busy to have a holiday.
C. It is impossible for them to have a holiday.
D. He has decided to have a holiday.
1. 选A的同学错误的原因是什么?
2. 选D的同学错误的原因是什么?
3. 你认为这两类同学今后该怎么做才能提高听力水平?
十六、 有一道听力题,录音念的是:
M: Can I help you?
W: I want some painkillers, a tub of toothpaste, and a stick of lipstick, please.
Q: The man and the woman are at a ______.
A. grocery store
B. supermarket
C. chemist’s
D. department store
十七、 有这么一道听力题,录音念的是:
    Traditionally, the most successful small business in Canada is the restaurant business.
A. We have fewer successful restaurants in Canada now.
B. Canada has more successful restaurants now than other nations do.
C. The restaurant is a new successful business in Canada.
D. There are more successful restaurants in Canada than any other small business.
1. 选A的同学错误的原因是什么?
2. 选C的同学错误的原因是什么?
3. 你认为这两类同学今后该怎么做才能提高听力水平?
十八、 有这么一道听力题,录音念的是:
W: That lecture was absolutely fascinating!
M: I couldn’t agree with you more.
Q: What does the man mean?
A. He prefers not to argure about it.
B. He disagrees with the woman.
C. He shares the woman’s opinion.
D. He wasn’t able to hear the lecture.
1. 选B的同学错误的原因是什么?
2. 选D的同学错误的原因是什么?
3. 你认为这两类同学今后该怎么做才能提高听力水平?
十九、 有这么一道听力题,录音念的是:
M: I hear a newly-invented drug can make people tell the truth and it may prove useful in questioning terrorists. Isn’t it incredible?
W: Simple solutions to complex problems rarely succeed. As far as I know, no such drugs are ever known to work.
Q: What does the woman think of the new drug?
A. It can help solve complex problems.
B. It will most likely prove ineffective.
C. It is a new weapon against terrorists.
D. It will help detect all kinds of liars
1. 选A的同学错误的原因是什么?
2. 选D的同学错误的原因是什么?
3. 你认为这两类同学今后该怎么做才能提高听力水平?
二十、 下面是两段听力的文字材料、要求选择的问题及答案(黑体加粗),请分析其中错误选择的原因及改进对策。
Passage 1
We usually think of history as the story of important people and events, but some historians are also interested in the daily lives of ordinary people. We can get this kind of information from written documents like diaries and town records, but we can also learn a lot from studying old family portraits.
Family portraits provide clues about things like the size of the family and the hobbies and tastes of family members. The number of children in a portrait, for example, indicates the size of the family; the types of clothing family members wore for the portrait suggest the popular fashion of the time. The objects that children hold in their hands can give clues about the games they played and their hobbies. The background of a family portrait gives historians an idea of room size and furnishings and even the wealth and social position of the family. All of these details help historians understand more about the everyday lives of some of the ordinary people from the past.
Questions 1 to 4 are based on Passage 1:
1. According to the speaker, what do most people think historians are concerned with?
A. Dates and names that cannot be verified.
B. Unusual works of art
C. Articles written by previous historians.
D. Significant events and influential people.
2. According to the speaker, what makes family portraits valuable to historians?
A. They are few in number.
B. They depict important historical events.
C. They provide a lot of information about ordinary people.
D. They have clues about the social role of artists.
3. What was most likely held by children in family portraits?
A. Their playthings.
B. Some money.
C. Their relatives’ hands.
D. Their shoes.
4. What can historians learn from studying the background area in a family portrait?
A. The location of the house.
B. The social and economic status of the family.
C. The types of games children played.
D. The profession of the owner of the house.
Passage 2
The most important thing about first aid is to do only what is necessary, but to do that as carefully and quickly as you can. When an accident happens, don’t rush or get excited. Stop and think first. If the injured person is in no immediate danger from fire, water or traffic, leave him lying where he is. A rolled-up or pullover placed under his head, and a coat or blanket over him, is the best treatment you can give while waiting for help.
If the person is unconscious, loosen his clothing, especially round the neck. If an arm or leg lies awkwardly and looks out of shape, try not to move it. Remember that you can do a lot of harm by trying to do too much.
Of course, there are times when you can’t wait for help and you must do the best you can until a doctor or ambulance arrives. If the injured person has stopped breathing, you must start artificial respiration as soon as possible. If he is bleeding badly, you must act immediately to stop the flow of blood. If you can’t stand the sight of blood, take a few deep breaths through your mouth. This will enable you to think clearly and act calmly.
Questions 1 to 3 are based on Passage 2:
1. What is the most important thing about first aid?
A. To do as much as you can.
B. To do only what is necessary.
C. To act only what is necessary.
D. To do what is necessary as carefully and quickly as possible.
2. What should we do if the injured person is in no immediate danger?
A. Leave him lying where he is.
B. Do as much as you can to save them.
C. Put his arms and legs in place.
D. Roll him up in a blanket.
3. Which of the following is NOT an act of first aid?
A. Stop the flow of blood if the person is bleeding.
B. Perform the operation whenever necessary.
C. Do artificial respiration if the person has stopped breathing.
D. Do the best you can until a doctor arrives.
二十一、 按不完整词和不完整句的原则将下列句子记成笔记:
1. Christmas is America’s most popular holiday. Some people attend church and observe Christmas as the birthday of Christ.
2. This is the best place in the garden.
3. With age, changes in the environment, I have become more and more strong.
4. You had better get ready for the topic, because the lecture will be followed by discussion.
5. I will go to see you when you finish the training course.
6. In any case, the question wasn’t answered about the first discovery of electric energy.
7. A spokesman said that more and more vehicles were taking to the highways every year.
1. We know how to read between the lines. But it is more important to write between the lines. Why is it necessary to mark up a book?  First, it keeps you awake. In the second place, reading, if it is, usually a thought-through book. Finally, writing helps you remember the thoughts you had or the thoughts the author expressed.
2. You probably talk at the average rate of 150 wpm, but, if you are a reader of average ability in the United States, you read at the rate of 250 wpm. ...is already nearly twice as fast as your speaking or listening speed.
3. At first men did not know how to make fire. Sometimes lightening hit a forest and started a fire. The people took some of this fire to make a fire near their homes.
4. If your feelings for me have any reality, and honest basis, what I look like won’t matter. Suppose I’m beautiful, I’d always be bothered by the feeling that you loved me for my beauty, and that kind of love would disgust me. Suppose I’m plain, then I’d always fear that you were writing to me only because you were lonely and had no one else.
5. During two years together, we had experienced the usual up and downs of a couple learning to know, understand, and respect each other. But through it all we had honestly confronted the weakness and strength of each other’s characters.
二十二、 请用摘要笔记整理以下这段话的内容:
     Design teams work with the three basic building blocks of sustainability: reduce, reuse, and recycle. Much has been accomplished on the recycling front, and even reuse has a newfound footing—witness eBay (EBAY), Craigslist, and certified pre-owned cars. But it is time to get serious about reducing. For companies, the problem is that it’s difficult to thrive in an expanding global market by making fewer products and it is hard to make products using fewer natural resources. For designers, well, we love making cool stuff. Reducing is even difficult for consumers who have learned that variety is the spice of life. But the fact is, of the three building blocks, reducing is the most direct. What green design needs today is not a silver bullet, but the simple notion of small improvements across large volumes.
二十三、 请将以下口译大赛听译部分的内容改写成笔记形式:
     International students coming to the United States study mainly business management, engineering, science and math in that order. The Institute says the majority of those students support themselves with family or personal funds, contributing more than seventeen billion dollars to the U. S. economy.
二十四、 下面是一段笔记,请将它恢复成完整的文本,并指出它的不足之处:
1st 人× no how  fire,  Stme,~"林"     Ppl  took   homes.
二十五、 请将以下笔记恢复成完整文本,并说明整理笔记时该归在什么类别。
A. bring back: cause rtrn ♥
e.g. sb story ~ my chldhd.
B. peer: look very hard usu ∵ diff see clrly
二十六、 假设命题作文的题目为:English Study and Computer
1. 这个题目的真正含义是什么?
2. 这篇文章属于哪种文体?
3. 你的文章将如何立意?
4. 请列举至少2个可以用于这篇文章的素材。
二十七、 假设命题作文的题目为:Vocabulary Strategies And Translation
1. 这个题目的真正含义是什么?
2. 这篇文章属于哪种文体?
3. 你的文章将如何立意?
4. 请列举至少2个可以用于这篇文章的素材。
二十八、 假设命题作文的题目为:School Security and Students
1. 这个题目的真正含义是什么?
2. 这篇文章属于哪种文体?
3. 你的文章将如何立意?
4. 请列举至少2个可以用于这篇文章的素材。
二十九、 假设命题作文的题目为:Black and White
1. 这个题目的真正含义是什么?
2. 这篇文章属于哪种文体?
3. 你的文章将如何立意?
4. 请列举至少2个可以用于这篇文章的素材。
三十、 如果要写一篇题为Foreign Teacher or Chinese Teacher的文章,你会写些什么内容?你的文章结构将会怎么安排?
三十一、 以下10个作文题目是历年的大学英语四级作文真题:
① Free Admission to Museums
② A Letter to a Schoolmate
③ Creating a Green Campus
④ On the Spring Festival Gala
⑤ A Campaign Speech
⑥ Limiting the Use of Disposable Plastic Bags
⑦ On Students Selecting Lectures
⑧ A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction
⑨ Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists?
⑩ A Poster Recruiting Volunteers
2、请问该如何对第①个作文题目Free Admission to Museums进行审题和立意?

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