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◆在一个中国原则下,什么问题都可以谈Any question can be discussed under one-China principle.
The people of the whole of China cannot allow the resolution of the Taiwan issue to be dragged on indefinitely.
Our guideline for solving the Taiwan question is "peaceful reunification and the one country, two systems".
One country, two systems.
◆高度自治a high degree of autonomy
◆发展是硬道理 Development is the main principle.
◆深化改革,加强和改善宏观调控Deepen reform and strengthen and improve macro-control
In the process of China's modernization, we must always work for material progress and at the same time for cultural and ethical progress.
The deepened reform has injected a flow of fresh vitality into our national economic and social development.
We must continue an omni-directional, multilevel and wide-range opening to the outside world.
The national economy is notably more market-oriented and socialized.
◆深入学习邓小平理论。Study Deng Xiaoping Theory deeply
◆治国先治党,治党必从严。To rule the country, first rule the Party, and with a strong hand
◆加强廉政建设,惩治贪污腐败。Work harder to build an honest government, punish graft and corruption
◆我们既面临难得的机遇,也面临严峻的挑战。We are faced with both a rare opportunity and grave challenges.
◆实践是检验真理的唯一标准。Practice is the sole criterion for judging truth.
◆扩大内需促繁荣。Encourage domestic demand and promote prosperity.
Protecting environment is every citizen's responsibility and moral duty.
◆为子孙后代留下青山绿水。Preserve the green mountains and clear rivers for posterity.
◆治理大气污染,还城市一片蓝天!Control air pollution and bring back city's blue sky!
◆污染者应该承担污染的代价。The polluter should pay.
Our entire society should be involved in the effort to find new jobs for laid-off workers.
◆积极参加下岗再就业培训。Laid-off employees should take full advantage of retraining programs.
Lay offs are a great liberation of productive forces - give yourself a chance to make a fresh choice.
◆消费可以刺激经济发展。Consumer buying can build up the economy.
China's entry into the WTO is in the best interest of both the Chinese and Americans.
Chinese and Americans should strengthen mutual understanding and promote the positions they share.
◆拒买盗版物,保护知识产权。Don't buy pirated goods. Protect intellectual property rights.
◆深化改革,全面推进素质教育。Efforts should be made to deepen the educational reform and promote the qualification-oriented education in an all-round way.
The government should be strict with itself in carrying out its official duties in accordance with the law and try to be honest, diligent, pragmatic and efficient.
◆厉行勤俭,反对奢侈浪费。We must practice strict economy and combat extravagance.
The Government will give preferential policies to increase financial input to the western region.
The state will issue long-term government loans to the western region.
开发西部应该引进新思想和新机制。In developing the west, new ideas and mechanisms should be adopted.
The state will soon stage a series of policy measures in relation to western region development.
We should continue to deepen financial reform, rectify financial order, tighten financial supervision and regulation by law and improve performance.
In accordance with the principle of prudent operation, financial institutions should increase their support for economic development.
We should take better advantage of the role of monetary policy.
◆要努力解决农民贷款难的问题。We should strive to solve the problem of farmers having difficulty taking out loans.
◆提高全民族环保意识。Awaken the whole nation to the importance of environmental protection.
China has stipulated and revised the relevant laws on water air and solid waste pollution, laying the foundation for achieving sustainable development.
◆保护环境识每个公民的责任与义务。Protecting the environment is every citizen's responsibility and moral duty.
The attention to environment issue has become an irreversible historical trend.
◆切实搞好生态环境建设。Practical measures need to be taken to improve the environment.
Since reform and opening up, China has found a road for the promotion and development of human rights that suits its realty.
Put the rights to subsistence and development in the first place and under the conditions of reform. Development and stability, promote human rights development in an overall way.
We have every reason to believe that China's human rights situation will continue to improve.
China attaches great importance to the protection of the citizen's labour and social security rights.
A re-employment project aiming at solving the problems of the jobless and the laid-off worker was initiated in 1994.
China always advocates dialogue and opposes confrontation in the field of human rights.
◆中国反对“权高于主权"的主张”。China firmly opposes the idea of "human rights above sovereignty".
China's stand on the human rights issue is clear and consistent that it strongly object to any attempt to interfere in the internal affairs of other nations using human rights as a pretext.
中美两国在世界上具有很大的影响,两国人民都希望保持和发展健康,稳定的关系。中美两国既有共同利益,也有分歧。中美三个联合公报于1972年在上海签订。1997年下半年,jiang zeming主席对美国进行了访问。1998年,克林顿总统也对中国进行了9天访问。中美关系健康,平稳发展的关键在于严格遵守中美三个联合公报的原则。目前,中美两国将继续一起共同努力建立
Both China and the United States exert a considerable influence in the world, and the two peoples wish to maintain and develop healthy and stable ties. There are both common interests and differences between China and the United States. The three Sino-US Joint Communiqués were signed in Shanghai in 1972.President Jiang  Zemin visited the United States in late 1997, President Bill Clinton paid a 9-day visit to China in 1998. The key to the healthy and steady development of Sino-US ties is strictly abiding by the principles' set in the three Sino-US Joint Communiqués. At present, China and the United States will continue to work together to set up a constructive strategic partnership.
We should properly address our differences on the principle of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, non-interference in each other's internal affairs and seeking common ground while reserving differences.
◆ 中国反对霸权主义,中国永远也不搞霸权。
China opposes hegemonism, and China will never seek hegemony.
China's development will not pose a threat to any other country.
In trading with China, the United States should also give up all forms of discriminatory policies.
一周热词榜(10.7-13 英汉对照)
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