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【学术】SSCI《跨文化心理学期刊》 Journal of Cross-Cultural Psy.2016(6)目录
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Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
《跨文化心理学期刊》   2016年第6期目录与主题词
(网站http://jcc.sagepub.com/ 或
Impact Factor: 1.929
Ranked: 20 out of 61 in
Psychology, Social Source:
2014 JournalCitation Reports®
(Thomson Reuters, 2015)
ISSN: 0022-0221
Frequency: 10 times per year
Hansen, I. G., & Ryder, A. (2016). In Search of “Religion Proper” Intrinsic Religiosity and  Coalitional Rigidity Make Opposing Predictions of Intergroup Hostility Across  Religious Groups. Journal  of Cross-Cultural Psychology,47(6), 835-857.
[主  题  词]:religion|cross-cultural|rigidity|prejudice|authoritarianism|fundamentalism
Smith,  P. B., Ahmad, A. H., Owe, E., Celikkol, G. C., Ping, H., Gavreliuc, A., ...  & Vignoles, V. L. (2016). Nation-level moderators of  the extent to which self-efficacy and relationship harmony predict students’  depression and life satisfaction: Evidence from 10 cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural  Psychology,47(6), 818-834.
[主  题 词]:clinical/abnormal|emotion|interpersonalrelationships
Megreya,  A. M., Latzman, R. D., Al-Attiyah, A. A., & Alrashidi, M. (2016). The Robustness of the Nine-Factor Structure of the Cognitive  Emotion Regulation Questionnaire across Four Arabic-Speaking Middle Eastern  Countries. Journal  of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47(6), 875-890.
[主 题 词]:emotion regulation|cognitive emotion regulation  strategies|CERQ|positive–negative affect|culture|Middle East
Iqbal,  M., O’Brien, K. S., Bliuc, A. M., & Vergani, M. (2016). Death reminders increase agreement with extremist views but not  violent extremist action in Indonesian Muslims. Journal of cross-cultural psychology, 47(6), 891-897.
[主 题 词]:terrorism|extremism|violent extremism|Indonesia|terror  management theory
Mann,  H., Garcia-Rada, X., Hornuf, L., Tafurt, J., & Ariely, D. (2016). Cut From the Same Cloth: Similarly Dishonest Individuals  Across Countries. Journal  of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47(6), 858-874.
[主 题 词]:morality|cultural psychology|decision-making|dishonesty
Bierwiaczonek,  K., & Waldzus, S. (2016). Socio-Cultural Factors as  Antecedents of Cross-Cultural Adaptation in Expatriates, International Students, and Migrants: A Review. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47(6), 767-817.
[主 题 词]:cross-cultural adaptation|contextual  antecedents|expatriates|expatriate spouses|first-generation 
For over four decades Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology hasprovided a leading interdisciplinary forum for psychologists, sociologists, andother researchers who study the relations between culture and behavior.
Comprehensive Coverage - Ten Times a Year!
The Journal of Cross-CulturalPsychology provides the latest empirical research on important cross-culturalquestions in social, developmental, cognitive, linguistic, personality,organizational and other areas of psychology.
Regular Features 常规特色
Each volume of the Journal ofCross-Cultural Psychology includes empirical papers, brief reports, andintegrative review articles of empirical cross-cultural research, along withtheoretical papers that may suggest new orientations for futureresearch. The Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology publishes cross-culturaland single culture studies, and 
quantitative, qualitative, and mixedmethods are represented.
《跨文化心理学期刊》每期刊载实证论文、简短报告、(基于跨文化实证研究的)综述评介,以及(利于开拓未来研究新导向的)理论文章。本刊发表有关跨文化 / 单一文化的量化研究 / 质的研究 / 混合法研究。
Thematic Discussions 专题讨论
The Journal of Cross-CulturalPsychology supplements its broad
coverage with single-themed SpecialIssues and Special Sections dedicated to topics of particularinterest. Previous thematic discussions include Psychology of Culture andReligion, Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research in Cross-CulturalPsychology. Special Issues Coming Soon – Culture, Creativity, andInnovation, Culture-Mixing: Its Nature and
Psychological Implications, andAdvances in Intersubjective Norm 
Published in Association with TheInternational Association for
Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP)
与国际跨文化心理学协会(IACCP)联合出版 (http://www.iaccp.org/)
·      在线优先出版(OnlineFirst )
(Forthcomingarticles published ahead of print)
现刊(Current Issue): September     2016 
所有过刊(All     Issues)  http://jcc.sagepub.com/content/by/year
March1970 - September 2016

引用最多的文章 (Most Cited articles)
1.    Back-Translation forCross-Cultural Research
2.    Chinese Values and the Search forCulture-Free Dimensions of Culture
3.    Measurement in Cross-Cultural Psychology: A Review and Comparison of Strategies
4.    Value Hierarchies AcrossCultures: Taking a Similarities Perspective
5.    Autonomy and Relatedness in Cultural Context: Implications for Self and Family
现刊(CurrentIssue): September 2016  47 (8)
Table of Contents 目录   
o    Minjae Seo, Young-Hoon Kim, Kim-Pong Tam, and Paul Rozin
I Am Dumber When I Look Dumb in Front of Many (vs. Few) Others: A Cross-Cultural Difference in How Audience Size Affects Perceived Social Reputation and Self-Judgments 大庭广众之下显得笨头笨脑,这糗就更大了: 关于观众数量如何影响社会声誉感知及自我评价感知的跨文化差异研究
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology September 2016 47: 1019-1032, first published on July 20, 2016 doi:10.1177/0022022116659020
o    Abstract People from all cultures are averse to looking dumb in front of others, especially if there is a large audience. However, there could be a difference between Face and Dignity cultures in the extent to which their members see themselves as dumb when they perform poorly before a large versus small audience. In the present study, Chinese and Americans were asked to imagine themselves performing poorly on tasks either in front of 10 others or one other and make judgments about how poorly (a) they thought and (b) others would think they performed on the tasks. Chinese were found to judge their performance more negatively in the large (vs. small) audience, but Americans were not. Audience size effect on self-judgments was mediated by how the Chinese perceived others to judge their performance in the large (vs. small) audience. Findings are discussed in the context of the logic of Face and Dignity cultures.
o    Iolanda Costa Galinha, Miguel Ángel Garcia-Martin, Shigehiro Oishi, Derrick Wirtz,    and Francisco Esteves
Cross-Cultural Comparison of Personality Traits, Attachment Security, and Satisfaction With Relationships as Predictors of Subjective Well-Being in India, Sweden, and the United States 人格特质、依附安全、关系满意度的跨文化比较:印、瑞、美三国主观幸福感的预测指标
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology September 2016 47: 1033-1052, first published on July 7, 2016 doi:10.1177/0022022116658262
o    Abstract  Personality traits like Neuroticism and Extroversion, Satisfaction With Relationships, and Attachment Security are among the most important predictors of subjective well-being (SWB). However, the relative contribution of these predictors to SWB is seldom tested, and even more rarely tested cross-culturally. In this study, we replicate and extend Galinha, Oishi, Pereira, Wirtz, and Esteves, aiming to identify the strongest predictors of SWB, and in what way that contribution is universal or culture-specific, across such collectivist-individualist countries as India, Sweden, and the United States (N = 1,622). Structural equation modeling showed that Satisfaction With Relationships is a stronger predictor of SWB in India, while Neuroticism is a stronger predictor of SWB in Sweden and the United States, results consistent with prior Portuguese and Mozambican samples. These findings suggest that Satisfaction With Relationships is probably a stronger predictor of SWB in more collectivistic and less developed countries, while low Neuroticism is a stronger predictor of SWB in more individualistic and highly developed countries. Across all samples, Attachment Security and Extroversion showed very weak or nonsignificant effects on SWB above the contribution of Neuroticism and Satisfaction With Relationships, consistent with prior results. Neuroticism significantly mediated the relationship between Attachment Security, SWB, and Satisfaction With Relationships.
o    Boele De Raad, Fabia Morales-Vives, Dick P. H. Barelds, Jan Pieter Van Oudenhoven, Walter Renner, and Marieke E. Timmerman
Values in a Cross-Cultural Triangle: A Comparison of Value Taxonomies in the Netherlands, Austria, and Spain 跨文化三角国家的价值观:荷兰、奥地利和西班牙的价值观类别比较
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology September 2016 47: 1053-1075, first published on July 11, 2016 doi:10.1177/0022022116659698
o    Abstract  This study aimed at finding the kernel structure common to three different value taxonomies in European languages (Dutch with 641 values and 634 participants, Austrian with 496 values and 456 participants, and Spanish with 566 values and 532 participants). Values from those three taxonomies were translated into English, thus forming the basis for the connections between the taxonomies. Using the common values between the three pairs of languages, factor structures resulting from a principal components analysis (PCA) were pairwise compared based on congruence coefficients after Procrustes rotation. Moreover, PCA was applied to a set of 139 values that was common to the three taxonomies. Furthermore, a joint matrix of values was formed with 1,703 values and 1,622 participants. Using only the common values after translation into English, this matrix was compressed to a set with 413 values and 1,622 participants, which was subjected to simultaneous components analysis (SCA). The different procedures ultimately led to a common structure with five value components, each specified in four facets. Those value components are Interpersonal Relatedness, Status and Respect, Commitment and Tradition, Competence, and Autonomy.
o Peter F. Titzmann, Olivia J. Serwata, Rainer K. Silbereisen, and Eldad Davidov
A Comparative Perspective on Mothers’ Ethnic Homophily Among Minority Groups in Germany and Israel 少数群体中母亲们的民族类聚:德国与以色列的比较视角
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology September 2016 47: 1076-1096, first published on July 7, 2016 doi:10.1177/0022022116658245
Despite beneficial effects of minority members’ contact with majority members, studies have repeatedly shown minorities’ tendency of having predominantly intraethnic social contacts, a phenomenon called ethnic homophily. This study aimed at examining ethnic homophily among mothers belonging to minority groups in Germany and Israel. Mothers from four minority groups participated. Groups were defined by level of societal segregation (higher vs. lower residential and cultural segregation of minority groups within a given society) and cultural distance to the majority society (close vs. distant in terms of religion and value similarity with majority population). We expected group differences, with ethnic homophily being highest among minority mothers living in more segregated societies with a large cultural distance to the majority population and vice versa. We also expected within-group variation, with higher levels of homophily being reported by women who use the majority language less frequently, have lower orientations toward natives, have higher orientations toward their own minority, and perceive higher levels of discrimination. The total sample included 1,223 mothers (ethnic German diaspora repatriates and Turks in Germany, Russian Jewish diaspora migrants, and Arabs in Israel). We assessed homophily in strong and weak social network ties. Results revealed the highest homophily (for weak and strong ties) among Israeli Arab mothers and lowest among ethnic German diaspora repatriate mothers with the two other groups located in between the two. Use of majority language emerged as rather universal predictor related to both outcomes in all minority groups, whereas minority and majority orientations were outcome or group specific, respectively.
o    Xueling Yang, Peining Zhang, Jingbo Zhao, Jiubo Zhao, Jiaqi Wang, Yu Chen, Siyuan Ding, and Xiaoyuan Zhang
Confucian Culture Still Matters: The Benefits of Zhongyong Thinking (Doctrine of the Mean) for Mental Health 儒家文化依然重要:中庸思想对于思想健康的益处
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology September 2016 47: 1097-1113, first published on July 7, 2016 doi:10.1177/0022022116658260
o    Zhongyong thinking (Doctrine of the Mean) is a traditional Confucius interpersonal style with emphasis on interpersonal harmony and connection. In contemporary society, is Zhongyong thinking beneficial to, or has Zhongyong thinking become an old-fashioned idea with trivial or even detrimental influence on mental health? The current study explored the relationship of Zhongyong thinking and mental health measures in two studies. Study 1 was a cross-sectional survey involving a large representative sample of 8,178 Chinese undergraduate students. We found that Zhongyong thinking was negatively associated with anxiety (r = −.23, p < .01) and depressive symptoms (r = −.32,p < .01), but positively associated with self-esteem (r = .28, p < .01). Compared with low-Zhongyong group, those who scored high on the Zhongyong Thinking Scale had substantially lower scores on anxiety and depressive symptoms, and had higher scores on self-esteem and life satisfaction. In Study 2, we experimentally intervened in Zhongyong thinking in 30 mildly depressed students, comparing mental health outcomes with a randomized control group (n = 30) who received regular supportive group intervention. We found that training in Zhongyong thinking was more effective in alleviating depressive symptoms compared with the control group. The two studies prove from different aspects that Zhongyong thinking still plays an important role in regulating mental distress and maintaining subjective well-being among contemporary Chinese young adults. Why Zhongyong thinking is beneficial, and how to transmit this traditional cultural heritage to promote emotion regulation strategies are discussed.
o    Sopagna Eap Braje and Gordon C. N. Hall
Coping as a Mediator Between Losing Face and Depressive and Social Anxiety Symptoms Among Asian Americans 因应在亚裔美国人的丢脸、抑郁及社交焦虑症状关系中的调节作用
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology September 2016 47: 1114-1129, first published on July 7, 2016 doi:10.1177/0022022116658244
Applying the proximal–distal framework, we were interested in whether the relationship between loss of face (LOF) concerns to depression and social anxiety were mediated by coping among 154 Asian Americans (AA). Utilizing a convenience sample from an online survey of AA, we ran ordinary least squares (OLS) regressions to examine whether direct and indirect coping explained the relationship between LOF concerns, depression, and social anxiety. LOF was positively associated with both direct and indirect coping. LOF also was positively associated with depression and social anxiety. The relationship between LOF and depression was significantly mediated by indirect coping but not direct coping. Higher levels of indirect coping explained the relationship between LOF and depression. In addition, the relationship between LOF and social anxiety was significantly mediated by indirect coping and direct coping. The relationship between LOF and social anxiety was partially explained by lower levels of direct coping and higher levels of indirect coping. LOF, however, continued to significantly predict social anxiety even after accounting for coping strategies. These results suggest that the LOF has a distal relationship to depression and social anxiety. Coping has a more proximal relationship to depression and social anxiety. By identifying proximal factors to depression and social anxiety, it is possible to reduce symptoms of depression and social anxiety among AA without mitigating the endorsement of traditional cultural values.
o    Liat Yakhnich and Keren Michael
Trajectories of Drug Abuse and Addiction Development Among FSU Immigrant Drug Users in Israel 以色列的前苏联移民吸毒者的药物滥用与成瘾过程
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology September 2016 47: 1130-1153, first published on July 22, 2016 doi:10.1177/0022022116660764
o    This qualitative study explores the trajectories of drug abuse and addiction development among former Soviet Union (FSU) immigrant users. It is based on in-depth interviews with 19 Russian-speaking recovering addict counselors employed in Israeli addiction treatment centers. The interview analysis yielded two main trajectories: one of abuse deterioration and the other of abuse initiation in the context of coping with immigration. The core issue that characterizes both trajectories is the immigrant users’ sense of loneliness. Participation in treatment appears as a path for regaining their sense of belonging. Implications for prevention and treatment based on the interviewees’ reflections, as well as on extant literature, are discussed.
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