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一周热词榜(3.18-24 英汉对照)
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1. 博鳌亚洲论坛
Boao Forum for Asia, BFA
The four-day Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference 2017, themed with "Globalization & Free Trade: The Asian Perspectives", is being held in Boao, Hainan.
23日,博鳌亚洲论坛(Boao Forum for Asia, BFA)2017年年会在海南博鳌拉开帷幕,1800多位代表参会。据博鳌亚洲论坛秘书长(BFA's secretary general)周文重介绍,围绕"直面全球化与自由贸易的未来"这一主题,今年年会分为全球化(globalization)、增长、改革、新经济(new economy)四大板块,将组织包括开幕式(opening ceremony)、全体大会、44场分论坛(sub-forum)、17场圆桌会议(roundtable session)以及2场主题餐会在内的65场正式活动。
周文重表示,除了全球化这个主基调,"一带一路"主题仍是年会讨论的重点。据介绍,年会将安排"一带一路"沿线国家领导人和政府高官(state leaders and senior government officials)间的对话,以及中国和沿线国家(countries along the route)的部长与CEO对话。亚洲区域合作(Asian regional cooperation)、多哈回合(Doha Round)、全球价值链重构(restructuring of global value chains)、中国倡导的亚太自贸区(Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific, FTAAP)等如何继续推进,也会在年会进行专场讨论。
博鳌亚洲论坛由25个亚洲国家和澳大利亚发起,于2001年2月下旬正式成立。论坛为非官方(non-government)、非营利性(non-profit)、定期、定址的国际组织;为政府、企业及专家学者等提供一个共商经济、社会、环境及其他相关问题的高层对话平台(a high-level dialogue platform for governments, enterprises, experts and scholars to jointly discuss economy, society, environment and other related issues);海南博鳌为论坛总部的永久所在地(permanent site)。
反全球化 anti-globalization
包容的全球化 inclusive globalization
贸易保护主义 protectionism
区域一体化 regional integration
一带一路倡议 the Belt and Road Initiative
可持续发展 sustainable development
2. 核安全
nuclear safety
The State Council has approved a plan for nuclear safety and radioactive pollution control.
国务院日前批复原则同意《核安全(nuclear safety/security)与放射性污染(radioactive pollution)防治"十三五"规划及2025年远景目标》。批复指出,规划实施要坚持理性、协调、并进的核安全观(a rational, coordinated and balanced nuclear security approach),坚持安全第一、质量第一(place safety and quality first)的根本方针,以风险防控(risk prevention and control)为核心,以依法治核为根本,以核安全文化为引领,以改革创新(reform and innovation)为驱动,以能力建设为支撑,落实安全主体责任,持续提升安全水平,保障我国核能(nuclear energy)与核技术(nuclear technology)利用事业安全高效发展。
根据规划,到2020年,我国运行和在建核设施(nuclear facilities in operation and under construction)安全水平明显提高,核电安全保持国际先进水平,放射源辐射事故发生率(occurrence rate of radiation accidents)进一步降低,核安保和应急能力(emergency response capability)得到增强,核安全监管水平大幅提升,核安全、环境安全和公众健康(public health)得到有效保障。到2025年,我国核设施安全整体达到国际先进水平,辐射环境质量持续保持良好,核与辐射安全监管体系和监管能力实现现代化(modernize its supervision system and capacity of nuclear and radiation safety)。规划还承诺,将我国放射性废物处置能力(radioactive waste disposal capacity)提高到与我国核工业发展相适应(match the development of its nuclear industry)的水平。
据环保部核设施安全监管司司长郭承站介绍,我国是核能核技术利用大国。现有35台运行核电机组(nuclear power unit)、21台在建核电机组,在建核电机组数量世界第一。另有研究堆(research reactor)19座,核燃料循环(nuclear fuel cycle)设施近百座。按照核电中长期发展规划,到"十三五"末,我国在运核电装机容量(installed nuclear power capacity)将达到5800万千瓦,在建机组达到3000万千瓦以上,机组总数达到世界第二。
核反应堆 nuclear reactor
核电站 nuclear power station/plant
核安全峰会 Nuclear Security Summit
核武器 nuclear weapon
核武扩散 nuclear proliferation, spread of nuclear weapons
大规模杀伤性武器 weapons of mass destruction
3. 意向成员
prospective member
The Board of Governors of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) adopted resolutions on Thursday approving 13 new prospective members to join the bank, bringing its total approved membership to 70.
这是亚投行自去年初正式开张后首次迎来新的意向成员(it's the first time the bank has welcomed new prospective members since its inception)。亚投行新闻发言人欧若拉称,此次新增成员包括5个域内意向成员(regional prospective member)——阿富汗、亚美尼亚、斐济、中国香港和东帝汶;还有8个非域内成员——比利时、加拿大、埃塞俄比亚、匈牙利、爱尔兰、秘鲁、苏丹、委内瑞拉。
据悉,13个意向成员申请加入获批后,还需走完国内法定程序(complete domestic due processes)并将首笔资本金缴存亚投行(deposit the first installment of capital with the AIIB)后,才能成为正式成员(formal member)。分配给13个新意向成员的股本来自于现有股本池中未分配的部分(the shares allocated to the 13 new prospective members come from an existing pool of unallocated shares)。
亚投行行长金立群表示,世界各国有兴趣加入亚投行(the interest in joining the AIIB from around the world),无疑加快了把亚投行打造成国际机构(establish the bank as an international institution)的进程。如今,令人自豪的是亚投行成员几乎遍布每个洲,今年晚些时候预计理事会将审批通过另一批新成员的加入。
增资 capital increase
创始成员 founding member
多边开发银行 multilateral development bank
自由贸易区 free trade zone
价值链合作 value chain cooperation
4. 医改
healthcare reform
The Beijing Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning has announced it will implement comprehensive healthcare reforms beginning on April 8.
根据22日发布的《北京市医药分开综合改革实施方案》,4月8日起,北京市内3600多家医院和医疗机构(more than 3,600 hospitals and medical institutions in the city)将全面取消药品加成(markups on drug prices, medicine markups),统一实施药品阳光采购(mandate transparent drug purchase),设立医事服务费(medical service fee),并对435个医疗服务项目价格进行调整(adjust prices of 435 medical services)。
此前药品加成比例高达15%(drug prices were previously marked up by as much as 15%)。北京市将通过公开招标选择供药企业(choose medicine suppliers by open bids),并全面公开药品和生产企业信息(have drug and producer information fully disclosed)。
医疗服务项目价格将进行有升有降的调整并重新规范。重点提高针灸(acupuncture)、手术、护理(nursing)等某些涉及医务人员经验、技术和人力(experience, skills and labor of medical staff)的项目价格,降低CT(computed tomography)、核磁共振(nuclear magnetic resonance)等大型仪器设备(large instruments and equipment)检查项目价格。
根据方案,参加改革的医疗机构将全部取消挂号费和诊疗费(registration and treatment fees),设立医事服务费。以三级医院为例,门诊医事服务费从普通门诊(outpatient)50元到知名专家100元不等,医保报销40元(medical insurance will cover RMB40 of the fee),北京市医保参保人员报销不受起付线和封顶线限制。
北京市卫计委主任方来英表示,此次改革旨在破除"以药养医"的体制(the system of covering hospital expenses with drug sales),从而实现"医药分开(separate medical treatment and drug sales)",降低病患就医成本。据卫生部门测算,北京全市医疗费用总量将保持平衡(remain balanced),患者费用负担没有增加(no increased burden on patients)。
诊疗费 consultation fee
公立医院 public hospital
医疗支出 health expenditure
基本医疗保险制度 basic medical insurance system
大病医保 critical illness insurance program
报销 reimbursement
因病致贫 fall into poverty because of illnesses

5. 争议课文
controversial parts of a textbook
Controversial parts of a textbook for primary school students will be removed from a new edition for the autumn semester, People's Education Press said on Wednesday, adding that the current textbooks will gradually be replaced.
近日,人民教育出版社小学语文教材(Chinese-language textbook for primary school students)中的课文《爱迪生救妈妈》被指内容杜撰一事引发争议。该篇课文讲的是,爱迪生7岁那年,妈妈得了阑尾炎(appendicitis),医生到家里给她做手术(perform a surgery),但屋里光线太暗(but light in the room was too dim)。爱迪生急中生智(have quick wits in an emergency),用几面镜子把油灯(oil lamp)的光汇聚起来,照射着让医生成功做完手术,拯救了妈妈。然而,根据相关医学论文资料,医学界普遍认为世界上首例阑尾炎手术发生在1886年(it's widely believed in the medical field that the world's first appendectomy was carried out in 1886),而爱迪生7岁那年是1854年。
对此,人教社回应称:经核查,该故事上个世纪80年代在国内正式出版物(formal publications)中已出现,于2002年选入人教版语文教材。关于这篇文章,社会上有人曾对其中某些细节提出质疑(raise questions),人教社专门听取了有关专家意见,大家对此有不同的看法(views were divided on that matter)。针对近日的争议(recent controversy),人教社正在征求更多专家意见(ask more experts for suggestions)。人教社还表示,教育部从2012年开始组织全国一流专家编写义务教育语文教材(compile Chinese-language textbooks for compulsory education),新版一年级教材于2016年9月替换了原人教版语文教材,今年9月替换二年级教材,明年后人教版所有旧版教材将全部更换为新版教材,旧版教材不再使用。新版教材没有选用《爱迪生救妈妈》等有争议的文章。
据报道,引发争议的小学语文课文不仅仅有《爱迪生救妈妈》。比如,某版本小学语文课文《华盛顿与樱桃树》中,幼年华盛顿砍倒了家里的一棵樱桃树(a cherry tree),向父亲承认错误(confess his mistake)后得到了原谅(receive forgiveness)。但考古学家(archaeologist)发现,华盛顿童年所住的房屋(the house Washington lived in as a child)位于弗吉尼亚州的拉帕罕诺克河边的陡壁上,没有任何证据证明这里曾种植过樱桃树。
著名教育学者熊丙奇表示,课文出现史实性(historicity)问题,主要原因是选取课文(select content for textbook)时,编写教材者仅从文学性或教育性的角度去衡量文章价值,而忽略了对其历史性和真实性(authenticity)的考察。有专家指出,教材的完善需要一个过程,教师可以利用教材中存在的问题,对孩子进行批判性思维(critical thinking)的训练。
免除学杂费 waive tuition and miscellaneous fees
贫困生 poor/financially disadvantaged student
课外活动 extracurricular activity
课程表 curriculum schedule
必修课 compulsory course
选修课 optional course
教学大纲 syllabus
6. 恐怖袭击
terrorist attack
A terrorist attack outside the Houses of Parliament in London on Wednesday has left four people killed and at least 40 others injured.
当地时间22日下午,一名男子驾驶一辆汽车从伦敦市中心议会大厦(the Houses of Parliament)附近的威斯敏斯特大桥(Westminster Bridge)由南往北冲撞行人(plow through/down pedestrians, crash into pedestrians)。汽车驶过大桥后,在议会大厦附近撞到路边护栏(strike a guardrail)停下,袭击者(assailant)下车持刀(be armed with knives)追赶行人并试图进入议会大厦(try to enter the complex),刺死一名未持械的警察(fatally stab an unarmed policeman)后,被警方开枪击毙(be shot dead by the police)。
英国首相特雷莎·梅称这是一起"病态且卑鄙"的袭击(the attack was "sick and depraved"),并赞扬了警察和安全服务人员的"非凡胆略"(praise the "exceptional bravery" of police and security services)。梅表示,英国的恐怖威胁级别仍将维持在"严重"(the UK's terror threat level will remain at "severe"),任何想通过暴恐行为破坏英国价值观的企图都注定会失败(any attempt to defeat British values through violence and terror is doomed to failure)。
伦敦警方已确认被击毙的嫌疑人为52岁的哈利德·马苏德(London police has identified the suspect, who was shot dead, as 52-year-old Khalid Masood),他是一名土生土长的英国人(a homegrown Briton),曾因持有攻击性武器、违反公共秩序等多项指控而被定罪(be convicted for a number of charges, including possession of offensive weapons and public order offenses),但从未因任何恐怖主义罪名(terrorism offenses)被定罪。极端组织"伊斯兰国(the Islamic State)"宣称对这起袭击事件负责,并将马苏德称为"伊斯兰国战士"(claim responsibility for the attack, calling Masood its "soldier")。
中国驻英国大使馆证实一名中国公民在袭击事件中受伤(a Chinese national has been injured in the attack),并向在英旅行、居留的中国公民发布提示(issue an alert to Chinese nationals visiting or staying in the UK),提醒他们提高警惕性和安全意识(vigilance and safety awareness),避免前往人群集中地区(avoid crowded areas)。
犯罪记录 rap sheet, criminal record
自杀式炸弹袭击者 suicide bomber
紧急状态 state of emergency
反恐 counter-terrorism
屠杀 massacre/slaughter
极端分子 extremist
主谋 mastermind
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