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I. 语法、词汇。用适当的词填空。从 A 、 B 、 C 、 D 四个选项中,选出一个正确答案,并填在答题纸相应的位置上。(本大题共 25 小题,每小题 1 分,共 25 分)

Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer. (25 points)

1 . Much ______ been said about the problem but nothing ______ been done so far.

A . has, had                                          B . has, has

C . had, had                                          D . have, have

2 . I was advised to arrange for insurance ______ I needed medical treatment.

A . nevertheless                                    B . although

C . in case                                            D . so that

3 . Half an hour after the police surrounded ______ hiding place, the gang ______ arrested.

A . its, was                                           B . its, were

C . their, was                                          D . their, were

4 . Government reports, examination compositions, legal documents and most business letters are the main situations ______ formal language is used.

A . in which                                         B . on which

C . in that                                             D . at what

5 . Someone turned the radio down, ______?

A . did he                                             B . did they

C . didn’t he                                         D . didn’t she

6 . Mobile telecommunications ______ is expected to double in Shanghai this year as a result of a contract signed between the two companies.

A . capacity                                          B . potential

C . possession                                      D . impact

7 . The electricity was cut off while the film ______.

A . was shown                                     B . was to show

C . was showing                                   D . was being shown

8 . Don’t worry. This question is of the ______ importance.

A . less                                                B . little    

C . least                                               D . best

9 . On my present salary, I just can’t afford such a car ______ you drive.

A . that                                                B . as

C . which                                             D . what

10 . The committee is totally opposed ______ any changes being made in the plans.

A . of                                                   B . on

C . to                                                   D . against

11 . It is easy to show that intelligence is to some extent something we are born ______.

A . about                                              B . of

C . to                                                   D . with

12 . ______ evidence shows, for example, that people who lived over three thousand years ago ate salted fish.

A . Ancient                                           B . Historic

C . Historical                                        D . Old

13 . Without trees our world ______ a much drier place.

A . is                                                   B . will be

C . would be                                         D . must be

14 . There are two computers in the office, but ______ is working.

A . either of them                                  B . neither of them

C . none of them                                   D . neither of which

15 . It was not a good meal, and Mr. Maydig was describing it sorrowfully ______ Mr. Fotheringay saw his opportunity.

A . as                                                   B . once

C . when                                              D . while

16 . ______, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor.

A . Other things being equal                   B . Were other things equal

C . To be equal to other things                D . Other things to be equal

17 . As early as 1647 Ohio made a decision that free, tax-supported schools must be established in every town ______ 50 households or more.

A . having                                            B . to have

C . to have had                                     D . having had

18 . The car ______ halfway for no reason.

A . broke off                                        B . broke down

C . broke up                                         D . broke out

19 . “Need we work late today?” “No, but we ______ tomorrow.”

A . need                                               B . must

C . can                                                 D . ought to

20 . ______ might be expected, the response to the question was very mixed.

A . As                                                  B . That

C . It                                                   D . What

21 . Mr. Morgan can be very sad ______, though in public he is extremely cheerful.

A . by himself                                       B . in person

C . in private                                         D . as individual

22 . By the time he arrives in Beijing, we ______ here for two days.

A . have been staying                             B . have stayed

C . shall stay                                         D . will have stayed

23 . This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen ______ comfortably.

A . is worn                                           B . wears

C . wearing                                          D . are worn

24 . Floods cause billions of dollars worth of property damage ______.

A . relatively                                         B . actually

C . annually                                          D . comparatively

25 . Americans eat ______ as they actually need every day.

A . twice as much protein                      B . twice protein as much twice

C . twice protein as much                      D . protein as twice much

II. 完形填空。从 A 、 B 、 C 、 D 四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并填在答题纸相应的位置上。(本大题共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分)

Choose the most likely answers to complete the passage from the words given. (15 points)

In the USA, 85% of the population   26    the age of twenty-one   27    of the death penalty. In many states which still have the death penalty, some use the electric chair, which can take   28    to 20 minutes to kill,   29    others use gas or lethal injection.

Those who   30    for the death penalty use four main arguments to support their call   31    the reintroduction of the punishment. First there is the deterrence (

威慑 ) theory, which argues that the   32    murderers would think twice before committing the act if they knew that they might die if they were   33   .

The other two arguments are more suspect. The idea of retribution ( 报应 ) demands that   34    should get what they deserve: if a murderer intentionally set out to commit a crime, he should accept the consequences.

The arguments against the death penalty   35    largely humanitarian. But there are also statistical reasons for opposing it: the deterrence figures do not add up. In Britain, 1903 was the record year for executions and yet in 1904 the number of murders   36    rose. It was the similar   37    with 1946 and 1947. If the deterrence theory were correct, the number should have   38   .

The other reasons to argue   39    the death penalty are largely a   40    of individual conscience and belief.

26 . A . over                     B . from                      C . on                    D . with

27 . A . agree                  B . favor                   C . support             D . approve

28 . A . down                  B . up                       C . on                    D . over

29 . A . if                        B . when                   C . while                D . as

30 . A . argue                  B . discuss                C . believe              D . agree

31 . A . on                      B . for                       C . in                     D . at

32 . A . hidden                B . probable               C . potential            D . suitable

33 . A . drawn                 B . held                     C . grasped             D . caught

34 . A . lawyers               B . prisoners              C . criminals           D . lawmakers

35 . A . is                       B . was                     C . are                   D . were

36 . A . probably             B . entirely                 C . actually             D . specially

37 . A . event                  B . fact                     C . situation            D . case

38 . A . fallen                  B . reduced                C . cut                   D . turned

39 . A . over                   B . on                       C . against              D . for

40 . A . case                   B . matter                    C . condition           D . fact

III. 难句释义。 A 、 B 、 C 、 D 四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并填在答题纸相应的位置上。(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)

      Choose the closest paraphrased version for each of the sentences or italicized parts. (10 points)

41 . He realized that he had given himself away.

A . He had made a gift of himself.

B . He had betrayed himself.

C . He had accidentally revealed his secrets.

D . He had had himself lost.

42 . But it knocks Christmas into a cocked hat.

A . But it forces us to change our plan and celebrate Christmas in a different way.

B . But we are required to wear three-cornered hats at Christmas.

C . But presents are supposed to be put in hats instead of socks at Christmas.

D . But it demands that Christmas be decorated with hat-shaped things.

43 . We can cut our list to the bone and concentrate on the kids.

A . We decide to choose the bone only, because it is good for children’s growth.

B . We can shorten the shopping list to one thing - the bone; therefore we can save more money for our children.

C . We can reduce our expenditure as much as possible and spend the money we have on our children.

D . We can cut the meat away from the bone, which will satisfy the needs of our kids.

44 . The suburban villa enables the salesman or the clerk, out of hours, to be a country gentleman.

A . before or after one’s regular working hours

B . within a few hours

C . at the weekend

D . soon

45 . Gain some exposure to the great works of literature, art and music.

A . Expose the great works of literature, art and music to the sun’s rays, in case they go moldy.

B . Introduce the great works of literature, art and music to the public through the mass media.

C . Subject oneself to the influence of the great works of literature, art and music.

D . Deprive the great works of literature, art and music of the shelter or protection.

46 . Don’t take it personally.

A . Don’t take it away without permission.

B . Don’t take it for granted.

C . Don’t take it in person.

D . Don’t be offended by it.

47 . He wanted to strike a work of fire and stars into being for the old man.

A . He wanted to make a fire — a sparkling fire for the old man.

B . He wanted to play a piece of passionate music for the old man.

C . He wanted to draw a picture of flame under the starry night for the old man.

D . He wanted to tend the fire for the old man who, then, can have more spare time to enjoy the night sky.

48 . My uncle smiled, but my mother had seen the first distressing evidence of a bump budding on a log.

A . my mother looked at the sign of the coming spring with a heavy heart.

B . my mother had just found with distress that I was going to become a fool.

C . my mother regarded the budding on the trunk as an ill omen ( 兆头 ).

D . my mother had found with delight that I finally began to show sound judgment and intelligence.

49 . “It was pleasant to believe,” she wrote later, “that much of Nature was forever beyond the tampering reach of man.”

A . Human being will step on much of nature and destroy nature.

B . Human being will be separated from the nature.

C . Nature will be disturbed by the activities of human being.

D . Nature will remain intact from the harmful human activities.

50 . It left me open-minded about prayer.

A . It was prayer that enlightened me.

B . It made me pray earnestly.

C . It made me have no prejudice against prayer.

D . Prayer made me open to new and different ideas.

IV. 阅读理解。认真阅读下列两篇短文,每篇短文后有 5 个问题,根据课文内容从 A 、 B 、 C 、 D 四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并填在答题纸相应的位置上。(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)

      Read the two passages and answer the questions. (10 points)

Passage 1
In the ideal world everything would be nice, even, and smooth — including of course education. Schools would be designed for everyone, giving equal weight and emphasis to every student.

However, in the jagged ( 纷繁复杂 ) world of the reality that we actually live in, this is not possible, and we should wean our minds away from this sort of romanticized, idealized thinking so that we can tackle our problems more realistically. The reality of the matter is that we cannot conceive a blanket policy that can cover the educational need of every student. We must base our policies on the reality of the educational needs of every student, not the idealism of what we have traditionally come to define as ‘good’ and ‘equal’.

The case in point is that of students who have exceptional emotional, physical, or social difficulties. These students cannot be lumped together with Joe, Jane, John, and Joan just so that the adults can feel ‘everything is nice and fair.’ We are doing a disservice ( 伤害 ) to these students by making education even more difficult than it already is; we are turning them off from learning. There is nothing wrong with providing extra care to certain students, and our basic problems here are not these special students, who clearly need more guidance (be it physical, emotional, or educational) but the adults who regard ‘care’ as a stigma ( 耻辱 ).

It is not so much the young students, but the adults who cannot bear seeing, realizing, and accepting that a certain student is not like the others — and it is the same adults who instill these values in their kids. They want to lump all students together, make them conform to the ideals of ‘good and fair’ they hold, and so, in the process, the real student is sacrificed. Why should every student act, feel, and do like Joe and Jane? Not everyone is like Joe and Jane, and therefore, educational policies should take this fact into account.

About 12 percent of all teenage students in the United States fall into the category of special students. As these students are exceptional due to natural or social reasons, their need for support and education is also exceptional.

51 . What is the writer mainly trying to express?

A . Special students need special education.

B . Parents are the key to all educational problems.

C . About 12% of the educational policy should be addressed to special education.

D . Ideal world is different from the real world.

52 . What is one of the key obstacles to implementing realistic educational policies?

A . special students                               B . western thinking

C . adults                                             D . industrialization

53 . What does the author mean by the ‘reality of the matter is that we cannot have a blanket policy that covers the educational need of every student’?

A . Educational policy should be equal.

B . Some students are more gifted than others.

C . Blankets are needed in some special schools.

D . Educational policies should be based on the needs of the real, not idealized student.

54 . What kind of school the author is most likely to provide for students?

A . Large classrooms where every student gets the same attention from teacher

B . Private education for gifted students

C . Education based on the actual need of each student

D . Small number of students per classroom

55 . The author himself was most likely like what kind of student in school?

A . A special student.

B . A gifted student.

C . An average student.

D . There is not enough information in the passage to answer this question.

Passage 2
1. We are so used to seeing cars on our streets and our roads that it is strange to think that only a century has passed since the birth of the man who invented the automobile.

2. On July 30, 1863, in the middle of the American Civil War, Henry Ford was born to a family of farmers in the state of Michigan. He was the eldest of six children. His home was much like that of many other children of that day; His parents were hardworking, careful, and sensible. On the peaceful farm, far from cities and stores, tools had to be made and repaired without outside help. Henry loved to make things. Even when he was still a young boy, he could take a watch apart and put it together again. Soon he was repairing the watches and clocks of all the neighbors, as well as those of his own family. A friend of the family once said, “Every clock in the Ford home trembles when it sees Henry coming!”

3. When Henry was twelve years old, his mother died. Mr. Ford loved his son, but he was afraid that the boy’s interest in machines would make him discontented with a farmer’s life. He was right. Henry did not want to stay in the country. After many disagreements with his father, Henry went to Detroit, the nearest large city. There he went to work in a machine shop for two dollars and fifty cents a week. In the evenings, he repaired watches for another dollar a week. After paying for food and a bed, he had fifty cents a week to spend.

 4. While working in Detroit. Henry began to think about more efficient ways of making watches. He designed a machine that could make 2,000 watches a day — but he did not know how he would sell so many watches in Detroit, and so he abandoned the idea. Later in his life, when he had solved the distribution problem, he sold many more than ten thousand automobiles each week.

5. Only nine months after his arrival in Detroit, he had to give up city life because his father needed help on the farm. But this time there was less dull work for him; he could spend his free time repairing the broken steam engines of his neighbors and talking of the time to come when all hard work on farms would be done by machines.

6. There was another interest at this time in the life of the young Henry Ford. A girl who lived nearby, Clara Bryant, pleased him and he began to arrange matters so that he could afford to marry. His father still hoped to make Henry a farmer, and now gave him eighty acres of forest for a wedding present. Henry sold the wood, keeping only enough to build a house, and he brought his wife to it in April, 1888. Here they spent three quiet years.

7. During this time he was busy designing a startling new machine that would run under its own power and carry people. He called it a “horseless carriage.” Henry suggested to his wife that they move back to Detroit where he could get the necessary money to build his machine. In Detroit he spent all his free time, as well as a lot of money working on his plan. His neighbors thought that his dream was foolish and impossible. But finally in 1903, he built a car that was light, low to the ground and fast enough to race against other cars. He called his automobile the “999” after a famous express train. Then he was able to establish the Ford Motor Company, and from then on he never had any difficulty finding money to finance his business.

8. But the cost of the first car was too expensive. So Henry worked constantly to reduce the cost of manufacturing his cars so that more people could afford to buy them. Years later, Ford developed the assembly line method of production which made possible the production of large numbers of cars in a short time at low cost. Thus the famous Model T Ford, the “Tin Lizzie” was first shown to the public in 1909, and by the year 1927, 15,000,000 Tin Lizzies had been sold throughout the world.

9. As he grew older, Henry Ford showed a stronger affection for the past and its customs and virtues. He felt that life in the past had been simple, men had been honest and hardworking, and had trusted themselves and their own abilities. He collected machines, houses, furniture and other objects from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. He built copies of famous American houses.

10. From 1937 to 1945, Ford used his factories to help his country’s side win a war. He made air planes at a huge plant at Willow Run, Michigan, which had cost 65 million dollars to build. But he still believed in his dreams of peace, and he believed that it would come. When someone asked him what he thought would happen after the Second World War, he said, “Out of his war will come the Great Awakening

— the establishment of the brotherhood of Man and the Federation of the World.”

11. Sure in his hope, Henry Ford, the American industrial genius, died on April 7, 1947, eighty-three years after he had been born into a very different world, and one that his own efforts had done much to change.

56 . “Every clock in the Ford home trembles when it sees Henry coming!”(Para. 2) What does the sentence suggest?

A . Ford was keen on taking apart every clock in his home.

B . Every clock was afraid of Ford’s coming.

C . Ford likes to see every clock tremble.

D . Every clock is glad to see Ford’s coming.

57 . Which of the following statements is Not true according to the text?

A . It was the distribution problem that made Henry Ford give up his idea of producing a machine to make watches.

B . Henry Ford returned to his father’s farm because he was tired of the city life after many failures.

C . Henry Ford was considerably poor when he was preparing for his marriage with a girl.

D . Henry Ford moved back to Detroit because he could not get enough money for the building of the “horseless carriage” in his hometown.

58 . It took Henry Ford about ______ to design and build his first automobile.

A . 3 years                                           B . 10 years

C . 12 years                                          D . 15 years

59 . Henry Ford got his cars sold fast and wide by ______.

A . constantly reducing their cost

B . frequently changing their models

C . finally developing an assembly line

D . extensively advertising them in the newspaper

60 . It is very likely that this article was written ______.

A . when Henry Ford became famous

B . right after the second world war

C . in the 1960s

D . not long ago

V .词形转换。将括号里提供的词转换成适当的词形填入答题纸上相应的位置。(本大题 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)

      Complete each of the following sentences with a (compound) word derived from the one(s) given in the brackets. (10 points)

61 . The ______ of the 100-year-old sewage and water systems will cost millions of pounds. (modern)

62 . When he burst in, he found a ______ of reporters. (room)

63 . “Anyone else would have done the same thing,” he said with typical ______.(modest)

64 . “Hi” is a(n) ______ way of greeting people. (formal)

65 . A girl stands selling ______ lanterns on a Hanoi street on Thursday. (star, shape)

66 . The man is the current world ______ in the long jump. (record, hold)

67 . As president, you have power to stop your government’s unfortunate and ______ attempts to legalize the dog meat trade. (ill, judge)

68 . These ______ bosses always seem to give in at the first sign of a strike. (chicken, heart)

69 . The shop ______ me by $10 yesterday. (over, charge)

70 . He’s got a lot of exciting ideas and he’s ______ to get started. (patient)

VI .句子翻译。将下列句子译成英语,译文写在答题纸上相应的位置。(本大题共 5 小题,每小题 3 分,共 15 分)

      Translate the following sentences into English. (15 points)

71 .我花了一段时间才适应了新工作。 (adapt)

72 .城市居民责怪民工造成了城市犯罪率大幅度上升。 (blame…for)

73 .怎样培养好独生子女在中国引发了许多辩论。 (stir up)

74 .他不把自己的道德观强加给孩子们,而是鼓励他们独立思考。 (impose)

75 .我们选聘人员担任重要职务时,考虑三个条件:受教育程度,经验和业绩。

VII. 作文。根据所学的一篇课文,在答题纸相应的位置上写出 150 字左右的短文。(本大题要求写成短文形式,本大题共 1 小题, 15 分)

Write a short composition of about 150 words based on one of the texts you have learned.

TOPIC: What three qualities do you think are the most important in a friend?

Base your composition on the text “On Friendship”.



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