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The following statements are about the facts presented in the first chapter of the book. Please indicate in the brackets after the statements whether they are true (T) or false(F). (10%)
1. For Chomsky, linguistic competence refers to the internalized knowledge of the language that a native speaker of that language possesses.(   )
2. The functional linguistics develops directly from the London School of Linguists with Malinowski as its forerunner.(   )
3. Malinowski was originally a linguist by profession.(   )
4. J.R. Firth and M.A.K. Halliday are linguists of the London School of Linguistics. (   )
5. Gestalt psychology was founded by a group of British psychologists in the 1920s.(   )
6. The analogists claimed that language in general was regular and there were rules for people to follow.(   )
7. The most important factor that has made cognitive psychology the dominant approach in the world is the development of the computer technology.(   )
8. According to the behavioral psychology, children acquire schemas and concepts by interacting with their environment with the help of two processes. (   )
9. Michael Halliday claimed that language has formal meaning and contextual meaning.(   )
10. In the 5th century, the controversy between the naturalists and the conventionalists in Greece was on the regularities of language. (   )

Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks so as to complete the descriptions of different theories of language learning. (7%)
1. Direct association of language with objects and persons of the immediate environment is emphasized in the _____________________.
2. In the Grammar-Translation Method, the first language was maintained as the ______________
_______ system in the acquisition of the target language.
3. The learning theory of Audiolingualism is the _____________________ psychology, an empirically- based approach to the study of human behavior.
4. _____________________ becomes an indispensable part of Communicative Language Teaching.
5. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development holds that the child achieves his conceptual growth through the process of assimilation and _____________________.
6. The formula i+1 put forward by _____________________ means input that contains structures slightly above the learner’s present level.
7. The Cognitive Approach seeks in _____________________ Grammar and cognitive psychology a basis for second language teaching.
Ⅱ. The following are brief descriptions of seven important methods of foreign language teaching. Give the correct name to each description. (7%)
1. _____________________Students are seen as more responsible managers of their own learning. They are, above all, communicators.
2. _____________________In the classroom, the teacher uses the native language of the students as the main medium of instruction. There is little use of the target language.
3. _____________________ Vocabulary is not introduced as detached words, but as a connected story; the target language is used exclusively in the language classroom as a means of instruction and communication.
4. _____________________ Meaningful dialogues as the chief means of presenting the language; use of language laboratory.
5. _____________________ Input is the most important element of any language teaching program.
6. _____________________ Most of the classroom time is spent on activities which foster acquisition.
7. _____________________ Students do a lot of choral imitation in large groups. They repeat what the teacher has said.

Each question in this section consists of an incomplete statement and four choices marked A,B,C, and D. You are to complete each statement by choosing the most appropriate one from the given choices and then put the letter of your choice in the bracket before the statement. (10%)
(   )1. The habit-formation theory comes from ________.
A. cognitive psychology    B. psychoanalysis
C. behavioral psychology    D.Gestalt psychology
(   )2. Skinner argued that learning processes could be divided into two kinds ________ and ________.
A. classical conditioning.........operant conditioning
B. stimulus.........response
C. assimilation......accommodation 
D. assimilation......dissimulation
(   )3. According to the habit-formation theory, attitude toward errors should be that ________.
A. errors are better ignored because they’ll be corrected later by the speaker herself
B. errors reflect the development of the learner’s progress and therefore should be regarded a quite natural
C. errors should be avoided and should be corrected if they have been made
D.different types of errors should be dealt with differently
(   )4.The acculturation theory originally was put forward by ________.
A. Schumann and Anderson    B. Chomsky
C. Halliday      D. Harris
(   )5. The Reform Movement started from ________ when Wilhelm Vietor published a pamphlet entitled Language Teaching Must Start Afresh!
A. the 1970s      B. the end of the 18th century
C. the end of World War Ⅱ   D. the end of the 19th century
(   )6. The Direct Method was developed in the 19th century as a reaction against _____.
A. the Oral Approach    B. the Natural Method
C. the Grammar-Translation Method D. the Audiolingual Method
(   )7. The revolution in linguistic theory in the 1960s refers to the appearance of the ____.
A. structuralist theory  
B. communicative linguistics
C. transformational-Generative Grammar
D. habit-formation theory
(   )8. The Oral Approach originated in ________.
A. Australia       B. America
C. Britain       D. China
(   )9. “Teach the language, not about the language” is a principle of ________.
A. Communicative Approach   B. Oral Method
C. Cognitive Approach    D. Audiolingual Method
(   )10. The way to make students as relaxed and comfortable as possible and to provide easy chairs, soft lighting and music belongs to ________.
A. the Silent Way      B. Suggestopaedia
C. Community Language Learning  D. Total Physical Response

Ⅰ. The following are statements about theories of language. Decide if they support the Communicative Approach, the Direct Method, the Audiolingual Method, the Cognitive Approach, the Grammar-Translation Method, the Natural Approach or the Oral Approach. (6%)
1. The underlying theory of language was derived from Comparative Historical Linguistics. _____________________
2. Meaning was seen to depend to a large degree on the sociocultural contexts in which speech acts occurred.  _____________________
3. Verbal expression is intimately linked with thought about real events and the sentence was regarded as a more useful unit of language instruction than the word, and the verb no less important than the noun.  _____________________
4.  The theory of language can be characterized as a type of British structuralism.
5. Language has the property of creativity: with the general grammatical rules it is possible to create an infinite number of sentences in any language. _____________________
6. The underlying theory of language was derived from structural linguistics with Bloomfield and Fries as its representatives. _____________________
Ⅱ. Decide which technique(s) is (are) most often used by what method. (10%)
1. Maximum use is made of the classroom situation and students engage in such activities as opening and closing doors and windows, naming objects, and counting their fingers.
2. Commands to direct behavior.
3. Use of task-based materials and relia.
4. The employment of situations for presenting new sentence patterns and drill-based manner of practicing them.
5. Use dictation to reinforce and test what the students have learned.
6. Use mini-dialogues to help students to learn to make appropriate response or to reply to a given utterance.
7. Use role play.
8. Give formal grammatical explanations and analysis to teach the written language.
9. Use translation from mother tongue into the target language or vice versa and rewrite a story, an event or a text.
10. Difficult sentences are analyzed in detail and compared with the first language sentence.
a. Grammar-Translation _____________________
b. The Natural Approach _____________________
c. The Cognitive Approach  _____________________
d. The Direct Method _____________________
e. The Communicative Approach _____________________
f. The Audiolingual Method _____________________
g. The Oral Approach _____________________

Answer the following questions (30%)
1. What are the generative linguists interested in?
2. What do assimilation and accommodation refer to in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development?
3. What are the characteristics of FLT in the 1970s?
4. What are the guidelines for classroom practice set up by advocates of the Natural Approach?
5. What are the main defects found in the Audiolingual Method?

1. How do you compare the Notional-Functional Syllabus with the Structural Syllabus?
2. What kinds of roles do teachers play in the Audiolighual classroom?

College English Curriculum Requirement
翻译的双刃剑—— 从一篇开幕式致辞的英译
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