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(1)NMET2000 The manager discussed the plan that they would like to see ______ the next year.
A.carry out
B.carrying out
C.carried out
D.to carry out
该题考查了动词搭配“carry out the plan”在“see+宾语+过去分词”结构中的变异运用,将“the plan”充当定语从句的先行词,然后考查考生能否识别出来是上述结构的灵活变异,故此应选C。又如:
NMET2000(春)—It's a good idea.But who's going to ______the plan?
—I think Tom and Greg will.(B)
A.set aside
B.carry out
C.take in
D.get through
(2)NMET’98Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to______.
A.be put up
B.give in
C.be turned on
D.go out
该题中出现了四个常用动词搭配,反映了命题者想考查考生对短语动词或动词搭配的综合掌握能力,命题设计精致巧妙,据题意分析可知“碰巧灯灭了”而“go out”又能表示“(a fire or light) to stop burning or shining熄灭”之意,故该题应选D。
(3)NMET’97She ______his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.
A.looked up
B.looked for
C.picked out
D.picked up
该题考查了四个常见动词短语之间的辨析,由题意可知应选A。常形成这样的动词搭配“to look up a word in the dictionary;to look up the information/the message/the number/the time…”等。类似的高考命题还有:
NMET’95I can hardly hear the radio.Would you please______?(C)
A.turn it on
B.turn it down
C.turn it up
D.turn in off
MET’93Readers can______ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.(C)
A.get over
B.get in
C.get along
D.get through
MET’92I really don't want to go to the party,but I don't see how I can ______it.(B)
A.get back from
B.get out of
C.get away
D.get off
(4)NMET’97If by any chance someone comes to see me,ask them to leave a ______.
该题考查了常用动词leave所形成的搭配“to leave a message(留口信)”,故选A。
(5)NMET’96We decided not to climb the mountain because it was raining ______.
该题考查了常用动词“rain”所形成的固定搭配“rain hard/heavily/cats and dogs”,故应选D,类似的高考命题又如:
NMET’94Here's my card.Let's keep in______.(A)
(6)MET’93We've missed the last bus.I'm afraid we have no ______but to take a taxi.
该题因出现了常用的动词固定搭配“have no choice but to do sth.(除做…外别无选择)”,故选B。又如:
MET’92We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into ______.(C)
(7)MET’91Alexander Graham Bell invented ______telephone in 1876.
该题考查了动词搭配“invent the+名词”,故此题选C。该动词搭配在高考中曾三次命题测试其搭配。如:
MET’89It is well known that Thomas Edison ______the electric lamp.(A)
MET’93Charles Babbage is generally considered ______the first computer.(C)
A.to invent
C.to have invented
D.having invented
(8)NMET’98Cleaning women in big cities usually get ______ by the hour.
D.to pay
该题考查了动词“get”所形成的特殊搭配,即“get+过去分词”,如get lost,get married,get changed,get dressed;get paid等,故应选C。
(9)NMET’96______in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him.
B.Having lost
D.To lose
该题考查了固定搭配“lose…in thought(陷入沉思)”,故应选C。同理又如:
MET’91The speaker raised his voice but still couldn't make himself ______.(D)
B.to hear
MET’90______more attention,the trees could have grown better.(A)
B.To give
D.Having given
(10)MET’93The captain______ an apology to the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather.
该题考查了常用动词“make”形成的固定搭配“make an apology to sb.(向某人道歉)”,故应选A。同理又如:
MET’93If no one______the phone at home,ring me at work.(C)